Player looking for Map 4 and G1/P4

I’m looking for a bit of a break from higher AQ and AW with no donations. Been running Map 6 and was in tier 2 war. I want to be able to concentrate on clearing content. Hit me up if you match what I’m
looking for.



  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    [1Dos3]We are Gladiators has two retiring players and need to replace them to maintain our AQ scores and rewards.

    We're a fun alliance that runs three BGs in AQ, the toughest being 5-4-4-4-4 and the easiest being 4-4-4-3-3. We're a low stress alliance that wants to build our rosters and improve our skills, and this week we scored 85 million in AQ.

    We run AW optionally, and currently we have enough interest to run on BG every day of AW, and we'll add another BG if needed.

    There are no donations required.

    The only things we require are the use of Telegram for messaging (just to organize AQ, at minimum), and to participate in AQ, or at least to communicate when you cannot be available. We all believe our lives come first, the game second. yet we always do well in SA (750,000-plus this week, 1 million-plus last week).

    You can find me:

    Line = colcorndog
    Telegram = @cwhitworth
    MCOC = Col. Corndog / [1Dos3]We are Gladiators
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