Is the game down?



  • ZerophunkZerophunk Member Posts: 207
    Don't feel badcwxfqdugun5k.png
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Zerophunk wrote: »
    Don't feel badcwxfqdugun5k.png

    You got that man. Guilly will rock wolverines world.
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Thanks for killing off my champ in AQ.
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    Hey guys,

    We're looking into the situation right now!

    So myself and most of my alliance were in matches and now I'm sure our hero's are KO or half life now its day 4 AQ is our hero's health going to be reset
  • MrcMumbleMrcMumble Member Posts: 161
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Volcanic45 wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    We're looking into the situation right now!

    So myself and most of my alliance were in matches and now I'm sure our hero's are KO or half life now its day 4 AQ is our hero's health going to be reset

    You can look forward to those 5 L1 pots (non AQ) being sent to you for the contest not being up to lofty standards.
  • MrcMumbleMrcMumble Member Posts: 161
    Pfft I guarantee they send absolutely 0 of anything, 0 effs are given at kabam.
  • Steverogers329Steverogers329 Member Posts: 113
    So 0m1zsj1oslhh.png

    So we all loose half to full health while the opponent doesn't and no compensation again ?
  • Steverogers329Steverogers329 Member Posts: 113
    KABAMED AS ALWAYS! Don't care about your people as always but will sell you everything in return thanks for nothing
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    So 0m1zsj1oslhh.png

    So we all loose half to full health while the opponent doesn't and no compensation again ?

    Need compensation for that one smh that sucks.
  • Joker4025Joker4025 Member Posts: 1
    Sure would be nice to at least have reduced timers now kabam with the game being down. I guess that's too much to ask from you guys though.
  • Steverogers329Steverogers329 Member Posts: 113
    Keep this at the top!
  • Steverogers329Steverogers329 Member Posts: 113
    Kabam needs to fix this and fix the half health loose when the game crashes ! It's BS
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    So 0m1zsj1oslhh.png

    So we all loose half to full health while the opponent doesn't and no compensation again ?

    Same with me. Ridiculous nonsense.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Again ? Network issues
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    It went down again Kabam what is wrong with your servers today? Y'all need to do compensation now if y'all want any consumer support.
  • LukeLuke Member Posts: 8
    Y'all did a fantastic job on the servers. They are down again. Do y'all sit around and circle jerk each other during these maintenance times
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    This is like the 4th time this has happened in the past couple weeks.

    Ok number 5. This is ridiculous. All that money and no stable servers. Unbelievable. At least 6* are coming soon, so that will calm me down.
  • LukeLuke Member Posts: 8
    It only happens during aq and always losing health and never get compensated for anything anymore. Good way to ruin a game y'all previously already made the attempt to ruin.
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Luke wrote: »
    It only happens during aq and always losing health and never get compensated for anything anymore. Good way to ruin a game y'all previously already made the attempt to ruin.

    Yeah AQ was lagging bad when I fought. It wasn't reading my blocks or dash backs because the game was trying to boot me off smh. It's a shame. They better compensate. This is ridiculous. I was cool earlier but this should not be happening within 2 hours of the last time the game crashed. Just goofy man.
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    Is game still down???? I can't get in ....
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    Is game still down???? I can't get in ....

    Yeah it just went down again.
  • Steverogers329Steverogers329 Member Posts: 113
    Game down again
  • Steverogers329Steverogers329 Member Posts: 113
    Thanks kabam
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    Really, this is getting weird day after day ...
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Players: how to get infinite streak in arenas...

    Kabam: you think you're slick? Watch this
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Down again ? Twice in one night ?
  • RB6942RB6942 Member Posts: 72
    I wouldn't hold your breath, they don't like given out freebies anymore.
  • mijrahimijrahi Member Posts: 12
    Honestly Kabaam needs to reset event clocks when this **** happens. I only get a limited time per day to play and I can't make alliance goals when the game goes down. I don't mind losing fights to my own incompetence, but it's beyond annoying to lose fights and awards to Kabaam's
  • Cam77778888Cam77778888 Member Posts: 113
    Use a boost that u can't even buy with units and you will do absolutely nothing to help. 1 star rating time
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