4* tech champ

I have a load of tech iso to use. Are any of these 4* worth ranking up more?
War machine r3 awakened
Yondu r3 unawakened
Red skull r1 unawakend
Punisher 2099 unawakened
Vulture r1 unawakened
Civil warrior r1 unawakened
Got 3* too but feel should concentrate on 4*
War machine r3 awakened
Yondu r3 unawakened
Red skull r1 unawakend
Punisher 2099 unawakened
Vulture r1 unawakened
Civil warrior r1 unawakened
Got 3* too but feel should concentrate on 4*
Vulture is under-rated; but is very slow to become effective until he's Awakened. If you happened to Awaken him, he's more useful than generally appreciated.