
I’m wondering what debuffs and buffs are in this game? And how I would use them


  • illest5280illest5280 Member Posts: 2
    Mostly wondering for the mastery set up, Despair. Is Assassination worth investing in?
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Debuffs are a class of negative effects that are placed on champions. They are identified in the pause menu as such and on the status bar by icons with a light border. If they do not have the light border they are considered passive effects instead and are identified in the pause menu as such as well.

    Examples of common debuffs would be Stun, Bleed, Poison, Fatigue, and Armor Break.

    Despair can be a powerful tool depending on the champions you use and fight against and will likely be worth it.

    Assassin is something I will commonly put at least one point into for the decreased ability accuracy but is second to Despair for me and absent in my long standIng build. This is mostly due to how I’ve allocated my other mastery points but I would use it in lieu of other masteries given available points.
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