6* R2 un-awakened Domino or 5* R5 Level 20 Corvus?

ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
I've 100% all Variants, completed Act 6.1 & 6.2 (working on 100% exploration), completed LOL (not working on exploration until I pull 5* Aegon). I'm retired from AW, but just came out of a Map 4 AQ alliance to join a Map 5/6 Alliance, and don't run suicides. I have 5* Rulk, 4* Massacre only.

Who would be the best option to rank up next 5* Corvus or 6* Domino?

6* R2 un-awakened Domino or 5* R5 Level 20 Corvus? 23 votes

Take Domino to 6* Rank 2 unawakened
BENJI830JeremySlatSpicyslicerLvernon15bubbaXzoneArchdemon_ChampioncriticFhfjghhggggjfhfjgTony886EtjamaNANDORDITTMother_FlerkenEinfachSoBLACKMILKTEA_88HedronAdamb208RGMC04 17 votes
Take Corvus Glaive to 5* Rank 5 Level 20
BashlordB_Dizzle_01Amazing_Demon05ddomOneAboveAll13Code_66 6 votes


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