New mode-practice session

Hi kabam this a request for adding new mode-practice. where we can fight with champ which have higher rating same as map3 or map4 boss or master mode boss.
I dont kNow about others,im not much skilled player but enough skilled to complete master mode.this practice session will help us to grow our skills.
There is already option available to 10k 5* rating player to duel but they are easy to defeat. and master mode and aq required energy much to practice with those boss.
Feature of practice mode-
1.there we can choose difficulty suitable to us
Ex-first option 10k rating boss.second option 20k rating Boss.3rd boss-30k rating boss.max 50k rating boss.
2.when we enter there is only one tile and one boss according to difficulty i choose.
No xp or gold as reward required.
Main purpose for this mode is to become more skilled and help us to prepared for hard can add node as well or change champ every week.and also easy that it take only one energy.
I hope for any reply about this
I dont kNow about others,im not much skilled player but enough skilled to complete master mode.this practice session will help us to grow our skills.
There is already option available to 10k 5* rating player to duel but they are easy to defeat. and master mode and aq required energy much to practice with those boss.
Feature of practice mode-
1.there we can choose difficulty suitable to us
Ex-first option 10k rating boss.second option 20k rating Boss.3rd boss-30k rating boss.max 50k rating boss.
2.when we enter there is only one tile and one boss according to difficulty i choose.
No xp or gold as reward required.
Main purpose for this mode is to become more skilled and help us to prepared for hard can add node as well or change champ every week.and also easy that it take only one energy.
I hope for any reply about this
At the moment as training I use the RoL but it is always the same character .... booooring
This is not meant as an indictment of kabam wanting to make money. If the game doesn't make money then there's no new content and eventually no game. It's again just the reality of the game. When you start out you have very little energy and no heroes to use in arenas. Developing your account allows you to play more and more for free as you advance. I really can't see them changing anything about that.
Most of us use duels to practice specific bosses.