VARIANT review

Hello everyone i have had this on my mind for a while now and i have finally decided to share it with our Amazing and Supportive Community and Kabam a developing company of our favorite Contest od Champions:)
Kabam - please listen and seriously think about this.

I want to talk about important and BIG part of our community - Mid Teir players.There ISNT a Mid.teir difficultie in "VARIANT" (as we all calling it) content.There is Childish "Begginer" difficultie,OR there is a Completely End-Game difficultie.Wich is absolutely Not right in my opinion,because content like Variant is a Very Big(now..innfact its Huge ->),chapter of Marvel Contest of Champions game.. and the fact that they are completely BLOCKED IT from probably tens of thousands mid teir/intermedia players of or Community - this is just WRONG in my personnel understanding.
I think that Kabam needs to re-consider their vision of the Variant,simply because it is permanent and HUGE part of the game now..since there ARE 3 different parts of it now.
I hope that Community... even a FULL ON END-GAME players - will agree with me and support this idea.
Kabam - please... think about it.It can be a Complete game-changer for some mid teir players.. cuz if Variant difficultie have brough 3 rank 5-5stars;12 RANK 4s; 9 rank 3s potential caracters,cuz these are the amounts of RANK UP GEMS that are available for the 100% completion,as well as SEVERAL-5star awakening gems + 3 - 5star caracters + over 6 thousand of a 6star crystal shards + VERY GOOD amount of Teir 5 basic(enougu to form 2 and still have left on a side for the future 3rd one) catalists and over 6 Millions of gold. Aaaaaaaaall of this 👈☝️ have GREATLY CHANGED peoples accaunts... so WHY NOT do something similar to a Mid Teir players??! I think that it makes perfec sence and Very Much fare.Cuz this might/probably will push some mid.players for More - Some specific rank ups to conquer Very Specific content - cuz it WILL provide them with a Well worthy of their time and effort invested.. rewards(as VARIANT difficultie did and still doing for some of us)
Kabam - PLEASE,lets make this happend... this will only bring more and more excitment for people,wich ultimately willbring MORE Respect points to you guys,The Kabam.This will proove how much you guys care about mid teir players,cuz making them happy - will ensure longer and more well been of the Contest of Champions itself,cuz Mid Teir players - are games Future :)
Looking forward for your reply.
Thank you.


  • jimraynorjimraynor Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2019
    @VicFallenMonk Before you press that 'submit' button please read through what you wrote and check for grammar errors. I get what you want to say out of it, but I don't understand a lot of details you wrote. Going forward, please read your post before uploading.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    You don't understand what Variant is. A mid-tier level would just be another EQ, but it would be permanent content. This makes no sense. The confusion comes from the existence of the classic level, which is only there for fun if people want to revisit it or if they weren't in the game when it came out. It isn't there to help newer players. Variant is endgame content, as all new permanent content must be for a game like this. Act 4, Act 5, Act 6, ROL, LOL, etc., were all end game at the time they came out. existing content and monthly quests are there to get people to the end game. Variant is permanent content. It doesn't exclude the mid tier. It'll be there for them when they are ready for it. Do you really need a permanent EQ level quest to help you get there?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Variant quests are already very easy as they are, arguably easier with each introduction.

    Just be patient and do quests that are to your level. I highly doubt you, the OP, have 100% A5 yet.
  • VicFallenMonkVicFallenMonk Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2019
    Guys.thnx for responses.I wasnt thinking or worrying for my own self... i am good))
    I was thinking about mid game players,who could also benefit from such huge piece of content.
    I wasnt asking for everyone to agree with me... i simply think it would be more fare to wards the mid teir players... simple as that.
    ___________________________________ this "jimraynor" guy,who apparently is a Very Educated person here,who likes to correct people he doesnt know... doesnt know who they are,where do they live... examples can continue,anyhow :
    English ISNT my native language.. in fact it is my 5th speaking language(by "speaking" i mean the one i dont have much issues to speak on... overall it is my 8th language i know,just the other tree are still work in progress to talk freely on,cuz i simply dont have the enviroment that i can be,talking to people using them.. and having a proper language inviroment is EXTREMLY IMPORTANT to learn how to speak well on the language you studying/learning.
    I always had a huge passion to learn new languages and i suggest you to do it too... it helps your *brain* to think better as well as it is usefull and exciting when you travel and able to speak with people in different parts of the world.
    So next time..before you "Press submit button" (😂) please.. consider some toughts on - why person could have grammar mistakes and a bunch of misspells..since we're all living in a Multicultured enviroments for quite a long time(well... at least here in Canada we got people from everywhere... from all over the world)
    auto-correct is EXTREMLY ANNOYING(not only for me..but for majority of people as online research is showing lol) so i simply shut it down a while ago.So dont try to go this route.. and suggest me to use "auto-correction". Anyhow.. sarcasms aside - plz think next time before you say anything.
    Thanks for your time people.
    @ xNig - my friend... if all of the Variants are VERY EASY for you.. then my "Hat is off" for you buddy.All tho.. i have to agree that every new Variant that comes out seems to be easier than the previous one... it is STILL one of if not The hardest piece of in-game content(i dont really consider the L.o.L.)
    I hope that very soon..i'll be able to also call it a "Very Easy" game mode.. for now,ther STILL are some fights that i absolutely hate.. wich are still a bit tought and Most Certainly ANNOYING :))
    Take care
    Thnx 4 ur time ppl
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