Alliance Potions Change

May we please change the way alliance potions work. For the average free to play player it is hard to stock up on potions unless your grinding from day to day and hour to hour. The cost for potions and revives go over 500-600 units to fully heal someone or to even just get him to half health.

One level 2 revive cost 180 units, and it only gives 1650 health. So then you need the health potions. Say your opponent has 30k to 32k health. A level 4 potion cost 100 units and gives 6k health. If you wanted to heal them up to at least 30k health, you would have to spend 500 units to get 5 potions. Just for one person. Not everybody just have units to spend when they mess up. For free to play players, once they accidentally slip up, make a mistake, get clipped, or not able to dodge an attack, it’s completely game over

I get if you are in a very high alliance and you can maybe get potions easier or if you spend money or somehow have all the time in the world to grind for it, but for free to play players like me, it can be a pain sometimes. Now i know there are gonna be people who say the same ole stuff like “well you wouldn’t need potions if you were good” or “well just don’t die then” or “stop complaining just cause you can’t afford it”. But can you just please try and logically proceed what I’m saying please. I’m just asking if alliance potions can be changed to be easier to get or less expensive. Thank you.


  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I agree some changes need to be made regarding potions. However, your specific request doesn’t take into account the glory store which wa implemented to somewhat address this issue.

    The bigger issue is the outdated nature of alliance potions. These potions were put in place when people were using 3* and 4* champs in war and aq. Now most people are using 5* or 6* champs yet the potions are still at the low health added numbers. It is long past time to change the alliance health potions to be a percent of health rather than a flat number. However, if you don’t do that, then I agree that the cost of potions should definitely come down—both in glory store and in unit cost for the same reason. These potions were implemented on the basis of 3* and 4* champs so the price to heal is much more expensive when you take into account the fact that most people are using 5* and 6* now.
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