Team for uncollected

Master3418Master3418 Member Posts: 218


  • Master3418Master3418 Member Posts: 218
    help please
  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    Definitely focus on Hyperion, probably your best champ right now (but consider awakening him). Doc Voodoo, Red Hulk and Iceman are also very solid options and very good champs to help you get uncollected. Don't sleep on Rogue too, her power/life steal is god. The rest of ur 5 stars are pretty meh. As for 4 stars, focus on Void, Magik, Gladiator Hulk, Nick Fury, Emma Frost, Sparky, Thing and Quake. This would be my team:
    1. Hyperion
    2. Doc Voodoo
    3. Red Hulk
    4. Iceman
    5. Void
    6. Sparky
    your welcome.
  • SubExtaByteSubExtaByte Member Posts: 80
    Great damage when you reach 10 poise charges/great power drain
    2.quake but if you don’t know how to use her watch dork lessons vids about her I am sure that will help a lot
    Keep parrying and doing heavy
    4.Ice man
    Ice shield helps when opponent reach sp3
    But if you still don’t understand how to use quake go for void (although quake would have been better)
  • Master3418Master3418 Member Posts: 218
    thanks guys
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 819 ★★★
    To defeat collector with 5* r3 and 4* r5
    Else you gonna need revives and health potion alot
    Use magik,iceman,sparky, Hyperion, gweenpool or the hood
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