16Mil & Growing - AQ5x5 & AW Focused

We are a new ally filled with very skilled and capable players from G1 and G2 alliances. We’re looking to run map 5x5 across all BGs and seriously compete & excel in AW. Aiming to get to G1.
Requirements are as follows:
- must have line
- must be uncollected minimum
- must have at least 4-5 r4 5*
- must be a good communicator and team oriented
- must be 400k+ rated.
- must have 10+ 5* champs over 5k PI
Currently looking for UK based players. Contact Axesaiz on Line for more info.
Requirements are as follows:
- must have line
- must be uncollected minimum
- must have at least 4-5 r4 5*
- must be a good communicator and team oriented
- must be 400k+ rated.
- must have 10+ 5* champs over 5k PI
Currently looking for UK based players. Contact Axesaiz on Line for more info.
We’re a group of former G1 & G2 players who are very organized and are pushing for G1. Looking for 1 active team oriented EST or GMT+1 player 450K+ rated. Please see remaining requirements above.
We just rebuild our ally a few weeks back and scored 147K in our first run at AQ 5x5 (with the exception of 1 BG running map 4 on the last day which will be map 5 next rounds of AQ).
PM Axesaiz on line for more info.