Speaking from a minority(calendars)

I have long completed act 4, I am stuck on the masochism chapter in act 5, The monthly calendar used to provide 750 5*shards but that's being changed. For the people who are Cavalier and uncollected it's really good but what about those like me stuck in between
I am not the best player nor am i a big whale, just asking what would you do?
Have the 750 5* shards or the new 4* shards
I know about everyone but the jump from act 4 to act 5 chapter 2 is big,atleast for some like me.
I had request kabam to look for an intermediate thing where completing act5 chapter 1 changes the thing as well
I am not the best player nor am i a big whale, just asking what would you do?
Have the 750 5* shards or the new 4* shards
I know about everyone but the jump from act 4 to act 5 chapter 2 is big,atleast for some like me.
I had request kabam to look for an intermediate thing where completing act5 chapter 1 changes the thing as well
You should be able to do it just with 4*., But with a lot of practice..
Yes i do agree that it is not possible for kabam but make it like one of those ending 750 4* shards are 500 5*shards, so if one gets a dupe 4 star he gets the same amount of 5star shards as earlier
personally i got stuck on that level... but don't let it be your road block! overcome it
I have one member in my alliance who does nothing just login everyday to take calendar rewards. I let him do whatever he wants because of a promise. For a year or so his level has not grown up, his champs remained the same and we can say that in his MCOC world nothing ever changes.
So there is definitely a small community in this game who are not willing to spend money, time, practice or even playing. Weird but true story.
If you try again and again, with boosts and potions, everything is possible !
Instead of asking for 750 5* shards, you should take your balls in your hands and go forward to get that uncollected
Post your roster here, you have a week before the next calendar !
I'm not the best player, and I did it with 4/40s. So you, with so many great 5/50 options can easily do it.
Quake - learn to "quake" .. win the game ... she's a totally busted champ .. so you have a "I win card" right there
"I see your Schwarz is as big as mine! Now let's see how you use it!!"
Outside of that, and based on the ratings of your champ ... it seems like you're pretty much were you should be .. pre-Uncollected. You need to gather up more 4* and get them ranked up.
You should have rank 4, 4*s to make things easier ... (yeah, I know some "pros" can do act 5 with 3*'s, we're not all pros, so ignore that .. hehe) But try to get 1 or 2 rank 5 4*s ... that should be your focus.
You'll have to get used to the fact that you were getting free handouts before ... and now you're getting more appropriate rewards for your progression
I know misspelled
I’ve got up to 5.4 beat
And yes i do need to upgrade a lot of my 4 stars
And i am close to a 2nd r4 probably by next month(need gold) choosing majik, i think she is good
But thnx to all fo you guys for the suggestions