Featured Cavalier Drops Rates. Anyone with worse luck than me?

lozzadudelozzadude Member Posts: 171
So far I have opened over 30 featured cavaliers & have pulled over 70% 3*s & the rest 4*s. No 5 or 6*s.

I don't expect to have opened a 6* but getting no 5*s is ridiculous! Not even a meme champ.

I know about the RNG per roll, etc, so I don't need reminding. If I had opened 100 or 1000 featureds with no 5 or 6 stars I would probably get the same old RNG speel.

Obviously I shouldn't open any more. As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

Has anyone honestly had worse luck than me?


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    I haven’t bought that many. Typically one feature cavalier every two weeks. In the past 6 weeks I’ve gotten 5* cmm (20 more sigs), 5* cull(New) and 5* dormammu (20 sigs).

    So no apparently I don’t have worse luck than op.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    lozzadude said:

    So far I have opened over 30 featured cavaliers & have pulled over 70% 3*s & the rest 4*s. No 5 or 6*s.

    I don't expect to have opened a 6* but getting no 5*s is ridiculous! Not even a meme champ.

    I know about the RNG per roll, etc, so I don't need reminding. If I had opened 100 or 1000 featureds with no 5 or 6 stars I would probably get the same old RNG speel.

    Obviously I shouldn't open any more. As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

    Has anyone honestly had worse luck than me?

    I have had 40-50 in w row without a 5 or 6*, but I have also opened 10 and got 8 5*s and another that had 2 6*s, so it comes in waves.
  • LobsterNeverFlounderLobsterNeverFlounder Member Posts: 73
    I have gotten quite a few 5*s but am around 200 without a single 6*.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    160+ regular cavs without a single six star
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    I stopped opening them after I got 18 x 3* and 3 x 4*.
  • lozzadudelozzadude Member Posts: 171
    I'm up to 37 now, with 28x 3*s & 9x 4*s. No 5 or 6*s. The last 16 have been 3*s. Over 75% 3* rate. Absolute joke.
  • WaynedavyWaynedavy Member Posts: 194
    I’ve opened around 30 and got 1 6*
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    I opened about 50 before i got a 5 star, i dont open them anymore, save my units for the 1k 4k 10k 3 tier unit deals bc i just dont have good luck with the cavs
  • lozzadudelozzadude Member Posts: 171

    I opened about 50 before i got a 5 star, i dont open them anymore, save my units for the 1k 4k 10k 3 tier unit deals bc i just dont have good luck with the cavs

    I try not to but every so often I think my luck must change. I've been a sucker for the daily cav deals recently but no more.
  • Steel_Ball_RunSteel_Ball_Run Member Posts: 535 ★★★
    I’ve opened 7200 units worth one time for Doom and only got 2 5*, but I got luckier with 1 time openings
  • CaptainGameCaptainGame Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    I always buy them in 10s. I recommend doing it that way. I usually get at least 1 to 3 or 4 5*s per batch of 10. And it may be superstitious but I do the pump method too of buying 10 then going out and back in. Then out and back in again before opening. Only once or twice did I got through 10 without getting at least one 5*
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