Featured Cavalier Drops Rates. Anyone with worse luck than me?

So far I have opened over 30 featured cavaliers & have pulled over 70% 3*s & the rest 4*s. No 5 or 6*s.
I don't expect to have opened a 6* but getting no 5*s is ridiculous! Not even a meme champ.
I know about the RNG per roll, etc, so I don't need reminding. If I had opened 100 or 1000 featureds with no 5 or 6 stars I would probably get the same old RNG speel.
Obviously I shouldn't open any more. As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Has anyone honestly had worse luck than me?
I don't expect to have opened a 6* but getting no 5*s is ridiculous! Not even a meme champ.
I know about the RNG per roll, etc, so I don't need reminding. If I had opened 100 or 1000 featureds with no 5 or 6 stars I would probably get the same old RNG speel.
Obviously I shouldn't open any more. As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Has anyone honestly had worse luck than me?
So no apparently I don’t have worse luck than op.