Blade retaining debuff reduction

Blade is retaining the debuff reduction from whatever the max amount of power he has had during the fight in aq map 5 middle paths section 1


  • Mhd20034Mhd20034 Member Posts: 160
    It is not only in aq I found it in the blade in 6.2.6 and my blade also seems to shrug debuffs very fast.I think it’s a problem with all blades
  • Mhd20034Mhd20034 Member Posts: 160
    Here’s a video showcasing the bug in 6.2.6
  • Mhd20034Mhd20034 Member Posts: 160
    And that’s my mastery setup
  • deaddead Member Posts: 10
    Noticed this as well. Blade on middle path of map 5. Pushed him to l2 level of power. He was shrugging debuffs off at that rate for the rest of the fight. Even after using his specials and dropping to near 0 power. Cost me an attacker from the bleed on parries.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we'll pass this along to the rest of the team.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Would anyone be able to confirm if they are still seeing this issue happening? This may have been related to an issue with persistent charges that occurred yesterday at around the same time but was fixed around the time that the last report of this issue came in.
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