Aegis Intercept Question

JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
Does interrupting the defenders heavy attack remove the aegis intercept indestructible charges?


  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    Nothing at all removes them
  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
    Nobody knows? @Kabam Miike can you provide some clarification?
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    I dont think it does
  • JVoorheesJVoorhees Member Posts: 53
    As long as you "interrupt" them w/your own Heavy attack...then yes it removes Aegis.
  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
    JVoorhees said:

    As long as you "interrupt" them w/your own Heavy attack...then yes it removes Aegis.

    Why do you have to interrupt with a heavy? A medium attack can’t be used to “intercept”?
  • flygamerflygamer Member Posts: 345 ★★
    However you land the heavy, parry, interupting an attack, hitting through a block etc, will remove aegis. You need 2 hits though so if your heavy only has one hit, say venom, you will have to do it again. If your heavy has multiple hits, say hyperion, you are good to go.
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