Ronin's bleed

Hi kabam,
It's possible to boost ronin bleed? He is so low and ridiculous. Need a little more powerfull of bleed for become a good champs and valuable. Because this champs require already lot of concentration and skill but his bleed not help a lot for win a fight... I saw on many com' on youtube or others source many people think like me : ronin's bleed should be better for become a real good champs
It's possible to boost ronin bleed? He is so low and ridiculous. Need a little more powerfull of bleed for become a good champs and valuable. Because this champs require already lot of concentration and skill but his bleed not help a lot for win a fight... I saw on many com' on youtube or others source many people think like me : ronin's bleed should be better for become a real good champs
Seems about right for a ruthless assassin slashing at the foe with extreme precision.