Act 6 treasure chests time to update them

Corby11Corby11 Member Posts: 185 ★★
Act 6 treasure chest give a couple of basic tier 3 ISO pretty much the same as you would pick up along route on an act 4 quest. I know the rewards for completing are much better but the treasure chest should also reflect the difficulty and at least live up to the description “Treasure”. By the time you get to this stage of the game 2 tier 3 basic ISO are more like loose change you would find down the back of the sofa than anything a pirate would burry.

It’s time to update them guys. Can you put something more worthy of the title in them for the next part of Act 6


  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Oh wow! Finally! I have brought this up over and over!!! The star ratings don't mean jack! No one who is playing master or uncollected or act 4 or act 5 should be pulling t2 basics from a chest or any (i hate em so much!!!) Quest crystals with t1bs in them! Drops should scale up with the material! I have hundreds of t1bs!!!! Try feeing a 4 star r4 to r5 with those! Or a 5 star to r1!!!! Grind like a savage through paths with six stars that can kill you without landing a single hit on you and ya get t2b???? Pass me the crazy pills!!! And worse still is picking up t1 and t2 revives and restores!!! Lots of help restoring all that "deterioration" damage! From that unblockable first power-up!
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Yes. The chests need to scale with the content. Put pots, revives, energy, units, sig stones ect. in the chests. Make them worth the effort.
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