Looking for upcoming players/retirees/second accounts

Looking for up and coming players, second accounts or retirees to fill out our alliance, we are looking to run 432 across the BGS so plenty of room to relax and no pressure on joining everything
Wars are ran depending on interest, again no pressure, no need to use items
Alliance is ran by experienced officers through main or second accounts
Line preferred but not necessary
IGN main account - kscharnock
IGN second - kscharnock v1.5 (follow this one to view alliance)
Line ID - kscharnock
Wars are ran depending on interest, again no pressure, no need to use items
Alliance is ran by experienced officers through main or second accounts
Line preferred but not necessary
IGN main account - kscharnock
IGN second - kscharnock v1.5 (follow this one to view alliance)
Line ID - kscharnock
It is currently a sister alliance to a bigger alliance, pm me if you want to make it part of the family and I can help get it running etc