Why is game going down so many times on 8/17/2017

We are seeing unexpected maintenance windows in recent days and today we are we have seen maintenance multiple times, with window of several hours. Whats happening


  • dpkdpk Member Posts: 6
    #Adminstrator #Moderator #Kabam Mike what is going on i expected atleast a courtesy email letting us know why we had so many issues yesterday night :(
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,316 ★★★★★
    It a protocol not to tell the community why servers are down whether once and for several minutes or several times and for long duration.

    I don't think we will get any answers. If fact, I don't even think (I could be wrong) seeing a courtesy message that the game is back up.

  • dpkdpk Member Posts: 6
    Yeah.. true.. I am not even sure, if anyone from the Game team are reading our messages, its total waste to get responses from them here :(
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