Act 5.4.6 help. Please?

Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
So I am one quest away from my first run through act 5. Will probably go after 6.1 before 100% on act 5, but that’s not the point of this thread.

A while back I asked for help in 5.3.x and I was able to push through it with the help given. So I call upon the community again for aid.

Follow is my current roster. Hopefully the upload puts them in correct order.

My questions are.
1) What would be the best team/champs to make the path easier?
2) What would you guys/gals recommend for the best/easiest path to take
3) how many units/potions should I have saved up?
4) Any tips for the boss and the path leading to him?
5) I can r4 any of the current r3 5*’s. I have a 5* tech gem and about 40 sig stones if one of my techs would be a good option. I also have a generic 4* AG that I can drop on someone and r5 them easily as well. I’d like to stay away from 4*’s since they are not usable in a6. But if it will make the initial push easier I will.
6) What do you guys do when you get frustrated with the game?
7) What is better a hard shell or a soft shell taco?

I’ve tried buffet/resilience/rage paths with minimal success. So any tips would be welcomed.



  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    The ultron boss is the hardest part. Watch some vids using loki. That's what I did and it saved me a metric ****-ton of units.
  • Secret_GamerSecret_Gamer Member Posts: 347 ★★
    One word: Medusa
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    I think Medusa and SHE hulk would help a lot with ultron boss. I guess you can use you Ultron for Biohazard/ Caltrops node. Of course, Domino and Mephisto can help clearing any other lanes. Use a boost if you have any. You may save some pots that way
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Void can solo him. (My 4/40 did more or less) You just have to play perfectly until you get two petrifies up then it’s easy street (minus his evade, but that’s not too bad) I have found that going for damage as opposed to maybe a better per-fight counter is the better option. Take your big damage champs and wreak havoc on the paths, and save a Void and a Medusa for Ultron. 4/55s shouldn’t have much of a problem smashing through this quest.
  • Elad17Elad17 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Ok the importance issue first

    1. Soft shell obviously
    2. Just use who you fight best with at this stage of the game u have acquired the skill set to play the champions not the nodes. Only node I would worry about is rage. So either CB or X-23 and that path is sorted
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    edited October 2019
    I did it back then with a 4* ghost its super easy.
    just do 1 hit combos (Phase M Phase M etc)

    reason: he cant evade your crits and you dont debuff him and you dont need to intercept him (just phase intercepts)

    use a 3* star and learn it in duels
    once you have it down is so easy you will laugh at ultron

    bring wasp for unblockable SPs and antman if you want more damage

    bring the rest to clear a lane
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Bring 4* medusa, star lord, aegon, void and archangel. Take the vigor lane. Easy.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    I just completed mine as of yesterday. Team used quake,nick fury,Medusa,capiw and Loki.(all 4* maxed except Loki 5* 1/5) revives only level two on nick fury kinda did all d lane with him took the rage/ resilience path. As for ultron went in there with 20% attack boost and health used Loki and messed up. Used Medusa to get him to 22%. Then quake and shake to finish the job. The nick fury and quake synergy helped me alot.if u r using Loki just play safe and smart if u r using Medusa I bet u rather wait till after she is fixed in the next update. Cause she was tricky to use but she wrecks the dude for real
  • KillerRino19KillerRino19 Member Posts: 370 ★★
    edited October 2019
    Bring the 4* medusa and play as good as you can without triggering Ultrons power gain/atack (they are from a node that triggers one of 4 buffs on ultron when you apply a debuff on him and if you apply a debuff on him while one of the buffs is active it will refresh that buff) as they can be quite devastating. Anyway build to a sp 1 and wach out for the evade cause he evades every 7 seconds. After you get to a sp 1 use it to apply armor shatter then just intercept/parry repeat until sp 3, launch sp 3 and repeat again.
    I also did 100% 5.4 and the easiest path was the vigor one(i used void + km synergy for it)). Also Venom works amazing for the rage path.

    P.s. If you use Medusa watch out as he starts to gain power when you hit him after a sp 3, or at least that happend to me.

    P.s.s if the regen buff is up and you've just started the fight trigger it and then keep it up until you get to a sp 1.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Save up about a couple hundred of units and use the Holy Trinity for the final Ultron. He's tagged as a villain so Blade is great for him.
  • UnFazedSkullUnFazedSkull Member Posts: 245 ★★
    Me personally I used quake bit it can get pretty messy if you don't time the heavies right so I would suggest bringing both 4 and 5 star Medusa in just in case
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  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    Act 6 here I come!!!
    Thanks again everyone.
  • UnFazedSkullUnFazedSkull Member Posts: 245 ★★

    Act 6 here I come!!!
    Thanks again everyone.

    Who'd you use?
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    Act 6 here I come!!!
    Thanks again everyone.

    Who'd you use?
    Medusa (5/50) for Ultron.
    For lane clearers
    Domino 4/55 (Masacre/Rulk synergy)
    SL 5/50

    I took the buffet path. Domino made short work of AON Antman.

    Hardest fights for me were
    Ultron of course.
    Sparky, he was just too freaking aggressive.
    KP I ended up using SL for him. I had to give him regen but SL combo eventually outpaced that.

    A handful of revives on Ultron do to a few mistakes.
  • UnFazedSkullUnFazedSkull Member Posts: 245 ★★

    Act 6 here I come!!!
    Thanks again everyone.

    Who'd you use?
    Medusa (5/50) for Ultron.
    For lane clearers
    Domino 4/55 (Masacre/Rulk synergy)
    SL 5/50

    I took the buffet path. Domino made short work of AON Antman.

    Hardest fights for me were
    Ultron of course.
    Sparky, he was just too freaking aggressive.
    KP I ended up using SL for him. I had to give him regen but SL combo eventually outpaced that.

    A handful of revives on Ultron do to a few mistakes.
    Ah okay nice work good luck on Cavalier
  • monomuggmonomugg Member Posts: 312 ★★
    sorry to be late to the thread, i was just getting the soft shell tacos for the party for completing act 5!
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