Ghost bugged when fighting namor

As you can see in the video Namor is taking 0 damage at times and then reflecting it back even tho he is only hitting my phase. Happens anytime ghost is against namor it's like him hitting into her phase is triggering a combo even tho he never hits her. Then losing random health when never being touched and doing 0 damage for some unknown reason. Clearly a bug, please fix as its costing potions in war.


  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    The zero damage is coming when you intecept his attack. It is showing up yellow because it is your guaranteed crit. Remember namor has an ability that if you do any damge to him while he is attacking that damage is prevented and redirected back to you. The times you actually did damage he had started to bounce off after the attack, the time your damage got reflected you hit right after his hit., With ghost you will have to find the timing.
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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    I thought they had fixed it. Hope they fix it soon then ... he isn't attacking when he is getting hit .. these two things cannot co-exist ...

    That is incorrect. Unstoppable for one instance, for another ghost, intercept being a third.. there is a timing window in the attack, they shortened it back in june, but they did not remove it for obvious reasons.,

    They even confirmed in the post it is risky to do this:

    Hey there everyone, the team took a look into this and we will be implementing a change to Namor's signature ability later today. You can find more information here. We'll be shortening the timing window of Namor's Signature ability to bring it more in line with his attack animations. This will make it easier to punish Namor without having your attack damage reflected. However, it will still be risky to attack him during a Combo, since the time between strikes is still very short. This will mostly be helping with attacking him the final hits of his combo and will be most beneficial to Champions that cause opponents to Miss.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    And more specifically they stated that ghost is a poor counter for namor because of this: 22:23:15

    This is not a fix, but an update to make him a little easier for players. It is live now. But let me be super clear on this, the usual Ghost method of play is not going to be good against Namor. She is not a good match against Namor.
  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    Eh agree to disagree, either way to me it's a bug. Namor reduces damage from all sources WHILE attacking, if I'm hitting him how is he attacking haha.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Eh agree to disagree, either way to me it's a bug. Namor reduces damage from all sources WHILE attacking, if I'm hitting him how is he attacking haha.

    because it is not impossible for 2 people to be attacking. If you throw a fist at me nothing stops me from throwing one at you, even if yours lands first I was still in the process of attacking. Only your first hit should get reflected not your following attacks.

    you can agree to disagree, but those statements were not from me, they were from kabam, that is how they intend for him to work, and they stated ghost's attack method is poor, therefore it is not a bug because their intent is what determines bugs, not ours..
  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    So now we are comparing the game to real life lol ok. It's a video game man but thanks. Would rather hear it from a designated source than a bunch of he said she said. Feel free to comment and thanks for trying to elaborate but to me it's a bug.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    So now we are comparing the game to real life lol ok. It's a video game man but thanks. Would rather hear it from a designated source than a bunch of he said she said. Feel free to comment and thanks for trying to elaborate but to me it's a bug.

    I linked you directly to the designated source, again 16:47:49 22:23:15
  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    And still a bug, IF that is the case than ANY champ intercepting namor would get the damage dealt back and they dont. That thread proves nothing, and from June to now a lot of things can change along with mechanics of champs. Sentinel sp 1 for example not long ago. And I know I was intercepting Namor a month ago with 0 problems. Doesnt hurt for them to look into it before being so fast to brush it under the rug.
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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Agentk said:

    It kinda is a bug he is attacking when he charges at ghost but once he’s been hit he’s no longer attacking anymore

    AFTER he is hit he is not attacking anymore, up and to that point he IS attacking, so that initial hit is still while he is in the process of attacking.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    *states facts on facts*

    “Eh, agree to disagree”

    You’re probably going to take damage against Namor with ghost if you do the one and done, in and out series of attacks just like in the video. If you didn’t do that, you can fight him like anyone else. No different than any other poor matchup with a bad standard strategy like taking Blade in against Omega Red, you’re probably going to take a lot of damage if you fight him the standard way, so don’t do that.
  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    Still not 1 good explanation lol
  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    Really be nice to have a mod bring this to the team again for confirmation as I'm sure it's not working as intended. According to namors description he shouldnt be able to take 0 damage while being attacked. So either change the description (usual thing that happens) or fix the mechanics.
  • edited November 2019
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  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    Thanks for the advice, still think they need to readjust it again as it makes 0 sense regarding his ability and ghost and something is clearly wrong with how its interpreted when phase attacking. And the video I did was just a short example. I've seen/had it happen when waiting longer, etc. But didnt think everyone wanted to watch 30 minutes of videos as this got the point across. I know for a fact I wasnt having this issue before and its rather annoying how it's so random when it happens, like war for example because that bug damage can be a lot when you're using a 6* 2/35 ghost.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    TRONG94 said:

    It was confirmed as a bug before and they tried to adjust his attacks' time frame but it still happens.

    I saw in the video, u intercepted immediately after his dash attack. My advice is to wait just a bit longer for his animation to really end. I always phase intercept after his dash attack too because mostly everytime I intercept him after his first light attack, I get thorn damage.

    Ifyou read the posts from mike he confirmed it was NOT a bug and was intentional, per the team. And yes if you take longer to attack then you can get it in, as I stated before you have to adjust your timiung, and it is, per mike, a bad strategy to use on namor.
  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    And still bugged
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    And still bugged

    No it isn’t lol, keep repeating your alternate reality, does not change the facts
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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited November 2019
    Nuh uh
  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    Yep 0 clue I guess, amazing can see it in the video. Still bugger
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