Ghost bugged when fighting namor

As you can see in the video Namor is taking 0 damage at times and then reflecting it back even tho he is only hitting my phase. Happens anytime ghost is against namor it's like him hitting into her phase is triggering a combo even tho he never hits her. Then losing random health when never being touched and doing 0 damage for some unknown reason. Clearly a bug, please fix as its costing potions in war.
They even confirmed in the post it is risky to do this:
Hey there everyone, the team took a look into this and we will be implementing a change to Namor's signature ability later today. You can find more information here. We'll be shortening the timing window of Namor's Signature ability to bring it more in line with his attack animations. This will make it easier to punish Namor without having your attack damage reflected. However, it will still be risky to attack him during a Combo, since the time between strikes is still very short. This will mostly be helping with attacking him the final hits of his combo and will be most beneficial to Champions that cause opponents to Miss. 22:23:15
This is not a fix, but an update to make him a little easier for players. It is live now. But let me be super clear on this, the usual Ghost method of play is not going to be good against Namor. She is not a good match against Namor.
you can agree to disagree, but those statements were not from me, they were from kabam, that is how they intend for him to work, and they stated ghost's attack method is poor, therefore it is not a bug because their intent is what determines bugs, not ours.. 16:47:49 22:23:15
*states facts on facts*
“Eh, agree to disagree”
You’re probably going to take damage against Namor with ghost if you do the one and done, in and out series of attacks just like in the video. If you didn’t do that, you can fight him like anyone else. No different than any other poor matchup with a bad standard strategy like taking Blade in against Omega Red, you’re probably going to take a lot of damage if you fight him the standard way, so don’t do that.