I'm failing to see the practicality of this mechanic

So I'm talking about the regeneration part here. I'm curious to know why would you want to convert your regeneration buff into a fury. There are the passive bleeds for that purpose, right? Here are a few points on why I think this mechanic doesn't seem useful to me.
1. OML gains a regeneration buff every 20 seconds, that's a LOT of time. 20 seconds is the time required for Corvus or Ghost to end an Act 6 fight. Also, there's no mention of the fact that he'll start a fight with a regeneration buff.
So let me ask you, why would you wanna convert this buff, when it takes so long to proc?
2. It beats the whole purpose of adding the -95% bleed potency on OML, since you'll almost never have a regeneration buff on you, unless you want to sacrifice your damage.
3. There's no way to keep this regeneration on except for not throwing special attacks and as beta testers will tell you, the only way to get the fury buffs on OML is to throw an SP2, also the critical bleeds are the main source of OML's damage, which also happen to come from the SP2.
This is making the player choose either sustainability (10% Regen every 20 seconds, not the most sustainable if you ask me) or damage (which is also nowhere near the top damage dealt in the game, judging from the betas). So you're either hitting like a wet noodle or you're running with 0 utility other than his immunity to AAR.
4. There are champions with WAY more powerful regens like Black Widow (Claire Voyant), Omega Red, Blade. Logan deserves better.
If anyone is seeing this mechanic having a proper use, please let me know because I can't seem to find one. Thanks!