First 5*r5, who to rank up?

Fara_Fara_ Member Posts: 70

First 5*r5, who to rank up? 36 votes

Blade r4 duped
BuckeyeKPR41nb0wm4g1cMikeyBoi69RaiserStacheSkrullBLACKMILKTEA_880dinNightMonkeyMoNsTeR_804 9 votes
Venom r4 duped
Ghriffin 1 vote
Luke Cage r4 duped
Corvus r4 not duped
CptRagmachineraffsterPeterQuillshadow_lurker22FhfjghhggggjfhfjgLeoCruzGiganteaErosenseiogH3t3rDevilMayCryS2_Blizzard 11 votes
Hyperion r4 duped
SaielZarakikLvernon15solopoloIvarTheBonelessRockypantherxSidDDragonEtjamaEinfachSoFlorvenskylowlevelplayer 11 votes
Archangel r4 not duped
TP33Praneeth_SP616 2 votes
Winter Soldier r4 duped
Spity68 1 vote
Killmonger r4 not duped
Medusa r3 not duped
Trap_Jesus 1 vote
Sabretooth r3 not duped


  • Fara_Fara_ Member Posts: 70
    I don’t run suicides, I am uncollected but have not explored act 5. I do aw and aq and my main objective is to clear uncollected eq every month. I despise arenas.
  • Fara_Fara_ Member Posts: 70
    No love for Venom? Also, I love Corvus, but I often find myself out of charges well before the end of a fight if the opponent has a large health pool, even doing 3 hits combos. And he’s not duped, so no immunity.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Corvus r4 not duped
    You won't go wrong with either Corvus or Hyperion, it's really going to come down to your playstyle and who you have more fun playing with.

    I only have Corvus as a 4* so has little use for me now. But I have an R5 5* Hyperion that's my lane clearer for AQ and AW. Play him correctly and you can come out with 50+% health even at your last node.

    I've only seen and heard the awesome stories of those who play Corvus well. From what I've heard, he's also one of the best champs to go for a Legends run at some point.

    Hyperion, Corvus, Blade, Medusa are all R5 worthy. Choose well.
  • StacheSkrullStacheSkrull Member Posts: 3
    Blade r4 duped
    blade for questing and regeneration makes him an easy mvp.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Hyperion r4 duped
    Should be between blade or hype..blade makes questing super easy with his synergies and regen...hype will help out in v1 and v2 so i would give hype the edge cuz u can do act 5 with a r4 blade but r5 hype will help u out in variants which might be ur focus after act 5 or cavalier
  • Fara_Fara_ Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2019
    Too early for variant and also for exploring act 5 I’m afraid. Not a very skilled player.

    I reckon I’m gonna choose whoever can give me a boost to complete UC eq every month, thus allowing to gather resources for another r5 (in 6 months or so, lol).

    And I guess Blade or Corvus have been MVP lately in UC eq.

    What do you think?

    Edit: I should also add that I only have spidey and gr as maxed out 4*.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Hyperion r4 duped
    Hype is the most versatile pick, isn’t hard to play and is just constantly increasing in value, if you don’t run suicides hype if you do corvus
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    Blade r4 duped
    Blade is actually quite useful even in v2 and v3. Lot's of chances to just parry and sp1 the enemy to death and save your XL or Tech champs from a Mephisto, pun 2099 or some other champ that just chips away at HP even without getting hit
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