Class advancement rewards need more iso-8s!

While we play this game at out free time, of course we r not going to spend too much time. We get champions, level it up, use them to play quest and events. Thus we need iso8s to do so. Ways of getting it varys. From event and story quests rewards, AW rewards and duplicate champions are the most common ones. However getting the iso8 from quests and quest rewards are too little, and a rare chance to get the iso8 from duplication even though the duplication cant promise u the right class u want. So the only hope of getting a good amount of iso8 from the class u want to boost ur hero up is the class advancement event. However the update changed it to a useless event. Even though u save lots iso 8 and heros to rank up till the event, u cant even get the rewards due to the huge number of pts required in the event bar. And the main problem of the event is even though u reach the 4 phase of the event, there are only stuff from the signature stones in the rewards. I think no matter how, there should be a good number of iso8s in the class advancement rewards as the boost of champion lv. That is all we need. At least for the new players. it's reasonable for arenas to take huge amount of time from players because of requirement of dividing the rank rewards. however if it take too much time and effort for just leveling up, players are going to leave this game eventually.
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