Asking tips to become elder bane

When you guys try to explore act 5, do you still play on hardcore alliance? Join only focus aw/aq? Or play solo?
In other hand i feel burn out if playing hardcore alliance, like dont have time to play act 5 since im lack of rooster and need to use them all in alliance
Im joining aq focus alliance but i also use my 3 top champs so also get stuck
What should i do?
So im asking your suggestion
In other hand i feel burn out if playing hardcore alliance, like dont have time to play act 5 since im lack of rooster and need to use them all in alliance
Im joining aq focus alliance but i also use my 3 top champs so also get stuck
What should i do?
So im asking your suggestion

I am trying explore my act5 too i have 1 6* and 4 5* r4 all currently using using aw and the other 4* maxed champs i use for simple as that bruh and act5 isnt tough at all ...although that bane creates problem
Last month i explored 3 quests in act 5, during AQ map 5, it's harder during war since i need my top champs there. Do 1 or 2 paths using refills during times without AQ or war if you can't. A path of act 5 doesn't take that long, maybe 30 minutes. Won't really affect war/AQ if you do a path before joining