Different maps for each Battle group in AQ?

Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
A suggestion that I'd like to throw out there for discussion would be the ability to assign different AQ maps to each BG in the same alliance.

(all of the below is based on an average alliance and excludes the high-tiered elite alliances)
As it sits now, the AQ system requires that most of the players in the ally need to be at roughly the same skill level with a few "elite" players to handle boss killing. So if we lose a couple of players then it limits us to a very specific band of players to recruit.

Also, life happens. Many players can't necessarily dedicate 5 straight days to running map 5, but would be over-powered for allies that run lower-tiered maps all the time.

If we wanted to recruit friends at different skill levels, being able to accommodate them through varying AQ maps would help with that. If we have a handful of elite players, a stack of good players, but are trying to train up some new talent who don't have the rosters for higher-tiered maps, being able to assign different maps to each BG would be a win-win on several levels.

The ally I'm in, for example, is mostly a 5x5 team. But we're all working adults with various adult obligations. Being able to run map 5 in 2 of the battle groups and maybe map 3 in the third would allow a few of us (as the daily life duties require) to drop to lower maps without needing to change allies or forfeit the growth opportunities for the ally as a whole.

Nothing else would need to change. Crystals awarded would be based on which maps completed. Points awarded would be based on the exact same point system as currently in place (higher maps give higher points).

This would have zero effect on alliance tiers. Elite allies would still be getting maximum points by running higher maps.

Did I miss anything?


  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I know larger groups (linked allies) do this across multiple alliances. They have a lower-tiered "recruiting" ally, and as the players improve, they can get promoted to the middle-tiered ally, with the ultimate goal of joining the top-tiered ally of the group.

    The above would allow the same thing, but on a smaller scale.
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