Why kabam has seen my last dollar

This is intended to be a rational, non hateful explanation to a company as to why I will not spend money with them anymore. This is the only way i feel I can be heard.
First off, I've really enjoyed this game over the last two years. So much so that being a F2P game I felt obligated to spend occasionally to support the game I spent so much time on. There was a time when I felt kabam had earned my money. So they throw out a good deal, I would pick it up to help support the game. Those were the same days when bugs weren't rampant, we got compensation and kabam seemed to care about its player base. I was happy to throw them some money from time to time. Somewhere along the line, early 2017 it seems like kabam quit caring about its customers. This year the compensation has totally stopped, despite a massive upticks in bugs. We don't even get an apology. The deals have increased in frequency and kabam continues to devalue the products they sell to try to make money. As a former business owner I know to invest money back into the business. It doesn't appear kabam are doing that. Their revenue stream is strong enough, they can afford to fix these bugs. But instead keep them as a short term revenue source that devalues the product long term. With the announcement of six stars, this also seems to geared toward a short term revenue source, ignoring long term health. All of the four stars we worked so hard on devalued overnight. I will continue to play. I love the community and still have fun in the game. And while by no means a whale, I did once feel obligated to throw you some money from time to time. Simply because I spent a lot of time on your game, enjoyed it and felt I should support it. Now I'll take your free stuff, earn rewards in game. But I can't ever give another dollar to a company that treats its customers so poorly. Thanks for a great game kabam. I really mean that. Because it was once great and is still pretty good. I would love nothing more than you winning back my business.
Much love to the mcoc community and a great game.
First off, I've really enjoyed this game over the last two years. So much so that being a F2P game I felt obligated to spend occasionally to support the game I spent so much time on. There was a time when I felt kabam had earned my money. So they throw out a good deal, I would pick it up to help support the game. Those were the same days when bugs weren't rampant, we got compensation and kabam seemed to care about its player base. I was happy to throw them some money from time to time. Somewhere along the line, early 2017 it seems like kabam quit caring about its customers. This year the compensation has totally stopped, despite a massive upticks in bugs. We don't even get an apology. The deals have increased in frequency and kabam continues to devalue the products they sell to try to make money. As a former business owner I know to invest money back into the business. It doesn't appear kabam are doing that. Their revenue stream is strong enough, they can afford to fix these bugs. But instead keep them as a short term revenue source that devalues the product long term. With the announcement of six stars, this also seems to geared toward a short term revenue source, ignoring long term health. All of the four stars we worked so hard on devalued overnight. I will continue to play. I love the community and still have fun in the game. And while by no means a whale, I did once feel obligated to throw you some money from time to time. Simply because I spent a lot of time on your game, enjoyed it and felt I should support it. Now I'll take your free stuff, earn rewards in game. But I can't ever give another dollar to a company that treats its customers so poorly. Thanks for a great game kabam. I really mean that. Because it was once great and is still pretty good. I would love nothing more than you winning back my business.
Much love to the mcoc community and a great game.