My first 5* rank 5. Who should it be?

GamecodeOneGamecodeOne Member Posts: 87
The Poll shows all my Rank 4 champs. I am happy about every vote.
Thx for your help.

My first 5* rank 5. Who should it be? 48 votes

Archangel (duped)
Jedi_Hawkechaos_bruhÆgon0710fatalazyANONYMISS 5 votes
Corvus Glaive (duped)
Dob1616RazorDevilBpn88855NCB_ptDarkrider05Lvernon15SKY0303Dhorne61WorknprogressMaster3418ChampioncriticB_Dizzle_01BatsiiStanceNopedroooGamecodeOneFF10KalantakKingpinamosHedron 27 votes
Spiderman Stark Enhanced (unduped)
RyseTheSquish671 2 votes
Hyperion (duped)
SpeedbumpDOKTOROKTOPUSPrathapAleorRockypantherxLordNeoAgragulLanfearCaptainPoll 9 votes
Magik (duped)
Killmonger (unduped)
Cpt. America IW (uduped)
LibralonixOsfan8GoddessIliasSpeedy0116awesomesauce 5 votes


  • GamecodeOneGamecodeOne Member Posts: 87
    Corvus Glaive (duped)
    I am glad about every comment which helps with my decision.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Corvus Glaive (duped)
    Corvus can handle 90% of champions in mcoc fairly well, just strictly comparing the champs and not including nodes anyway.
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  • GamecodeOneGamecodeOne Member Posts: 87
    Corvus Glaive (duped)
    @RazorDevil but why? Cause of his Damageoutput? Does his increase more than Hyperions Damageoutput?
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Corvus Glaive (duped)
    It’s between Corvus and hype, I went Corvus because he gets more from the rankup
  • GamecodeOneGamecodeOne Member Posts: 87
    Corvus Glaive (duped)
    And I have to say that I have not done Act 6 yet. And Act 5 not on 100%.
  • Jedi_HawkeJedi_Hawke Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    Archangel (duped)
    Archangel, but Corvus is a smart option also.
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Cpt. America IW (uduped)
    CapIW at sig 200 is the most versatile champ in the game. High damage and glancing on his own, add teammates to purge any debuff, reverse regeneration, slow power gain.
  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    Corvus Glaive (duped)
    I voted Corvus, because he needs finish fights quickly, because of the end of that watch of critics (I have a 5* unduped R3 Corvus, and played not so much with him).

    But I think you should choose too based on what champ you use more in wars.

    Magik is awesome champion to consider too. As Killmonger if you dup, people that use him in wars win some fights really easy.
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