30 minute timers

@Kabam Miike can the game team PLEASE consider going to 30 minute timers permanently or least over the holidays? The game grind has been so brutal lately and 30 minute timers would go a very long to helping people not have to spend so much time on the game, especially in AQ. It will also allow us to free our champs sooner to work on other content. I don’t see the negative in this, it changes nothing in the difficulty, resources used or anything. I’ve been playing this game for four years and I’m on the verge of taking an extended break. It’s just too grindy. Maybe even make the 30 minute timers cost a bit more to run from a resource point, but after everything that’s happened lately, this would be a serious boost in morale. I hope you guys can make it happen. Resource compensation is great, but giving people time back in real life is way more valuable. At least is does to me and folks in my alliance.