Is Warlocks parry busted?

Reynie3Reynie3 Member Posts: 66
Recently been running Warlock for the biohazard path of the fantastic invasions and noticed that he doesn’t seem to parry effectively. The other 4 champs on my team have no issues they land the parry everytime but Warlock doesn’t. Never had an issue before the downtime. Just wondering if anyone else is finding the same thing. Only on Warlock. All my other champs are landing it just fine


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I think there is a node that reduces robot AA.
  • simula67simula67 Member Posts: 53
    The Electric Fluctuations node reduces the AA of robots by 70%. That means your parries will fail most of the time.
  • Reynie3Reynie3 Member Posts: 66
    Thanks both of you I understand the issue now. Thanks again much appreciated!
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