Advice for act 5,6 and variants

Hi guys.currently my story quest completion goes as far as completing act 5 though not pretty much a slow player and out of game for previous couple of months and just when come out I was pretty much out of that things comes to it,I want to try completing the quest I mentioned on title but pretty much confused which champ should I upgrade and though 4* did not become obsolete but there is a fact champ limitations will only increase,so keeping that in mind I want to know which champ are worth upgrading.
I have recently upgrade imiw cuz I don't have many decent champ for cold snap immunity.
my aim is act 5 exploration and v2 and v3 for v1 I don't think I have enough specific champs.
So do tell me which point should I focus on not only on champs but on quest too.
P.s.-venom the duck and bishop are newly added ones otherwise I would have already upgrade them and do pardon my grammar if there are any mistake as English is not my mother tongue