Easy Fix for Limbo Majik

So seems like Limbo is due for a nerf. I use her a little but she bores me. Her Limbo at high ranks has become just a pain and specially in AQ on some of those power gain nodes.
I suggest that instead of stripping her completely they make Limbo a 50% chance to either do the energy damage or save her from taking damage. Or Limbo works both ways in that whatever damage she does in energy during limbo is subtracted from the health she might regain.
For me the damage is bearable its more the health restore and taking damage at the same time.
I suggest that instead of stripping her completely they make Limbo a 50% chance to either do the energy damage or save her from taking damage. Or Limbo works both ways in that whatever damage she does in energy during limbo is subtracted from the health she might regain.
For me the damage is bearable its more the health restore and taking damage at the same time.
My entire game revolves around her at the moment. Knowing my luck though they will decide to "nerf" her as soon as I get my 5 star to R4. That's pretty much how the last 2 years of MCOC has gone for me.
I think limbo degen should only happen on her specials not on just power gain. That would make more sense.
This would make her even more powerful, burning through big enemies with ease. Let's say he only damage 1% of your max hp per tick: on a RoL or LoL or AQ/AW boss this is insanely strong. Yes, it would make her less powerful as defender, but kinda overpowered as attacker
Magik is the AW boss and at least 2 mini boss nodes in nearly every single tier1 AW. It is so boring and predictable. Adding Dorm offset this a little but for any alliances that don't have a R4 dorm it is still Magik every single time. The people who are saying they don't want her nerfed are the dozens of people who took her to R4. I totally understand that. That being said, it is still total BS to play a perfect fight and die from Limbo. My suggestion would be to do with Limbo what they did with regen and not have it scale up with nodes. She would still be a great offensive champ that did some damage on defense, and it would remove some of the "cheap" feeling you get when fighting against her.
@PhillyEaglesS is 100% correct lol.
I liked "honk" better. You should consider using it instead of "think"
nobody will leave when her limbo get nerfed as I didnt leave when sw and strange got nerf but we are talking about useless damage which is insulting skills
Not many people use her on offense anyways so the nerf would not affect much skill play.
Not many people use her on AW offense? Lol.. you must be in a low tier. I can speak for tier 1 at least, aka mystic wars, where plenty of people bring her to attack to combat all the mystic champs with MD. Her usefulness on defense at that tier is getting to be so limited that many are choosing to bring her to attack as opposed to defense because they see that as being more useful due to all her counters available.
That's the thing! Thunderquack has a 50% chance to trigger, and even then, it can be stopped by stunning Howard.
It cannot be stopped