Featured Hero Gauntlet -- Weekly Event

VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
edited May 2017 in Suggestions and Requests

  1. Gold Medal -- 4-star featured hero, 2000 5-star shards, 2 million gold
  2. Silver Medal -- 4-star crystal, 2 million gold
  3. Bronze Medal -- 8 premium hero crystals, 1000 4-star shards, 1 million gold

Participation Ribbon -- 400 4-star shards, 400k gold, 4000 tier 4 basic catalyst shards, 2000 tier 4 class catalyst shards of the same class as the featured hero

To earn the participation ribbon, the player must win at least 5 fights. All qualified players including medal winners get the participation ribbon. There are only 3 medal winners.


The event starts on Mondays 1PM EST and ends on Sundays 1PM EST.

The player uses the featured hero of the week to fight through a gauntlet of enemies, one at a time, that has a class advantage over the featured hero. The player fights against ALL class advantaged enemies and fights each enemy once. If the player loses a fight, he moves on to the next enemy. All enemies are 4-stars, rank 4/40 except for the last enemy. The last enemy is a 4-star rank 5/50.

The player starts out with max health for each fight. The game will provide you with a 4-star rank 4/40 featured hero so that every player can participate.

Each player gets one free try for the event each week. The player can pay 500 units to (a) reset the score to 0 points and (b) try again.

For example, lets pretend the mutant Colossus is the featured hero. You will have to fight against a series of tech enemies, all the tech enemies in the game, using Colossus. The game will provide you with a 4-star rank 4/40 Colossus to use. If there are 10 tech enemies, the player has 10 fights.

This means that the number of fights needed in a week can vary.


1. One point for each point of health remaining after each fight.
2. Length of fight, 50 points * (180 seconds - length of fight)
3. Random Rule of the Week
4. -10,000 points for losing a fight
5. Add up the points of each fight.

The players are ranked by points in descending order with the player with the most points winning the gold medal. If two or more players score the same amount of points, the player who scores the points first wins out.

Random Rule of the Week.

To keep things interesting, ONE of the "rule of the week" listed below is used in the scoring for that week.

1. -2500 points each time the enemy is stunned with your parry block
2. -200 points each time the enemy blocks your hits
3. -200 points each time the enemy's light attack hits
4. -500 points each time the enemy's medium attack hits


  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Huh. I like this idea. However, to make sure new players don't wait for this event just to rapidly advance in the game, I don't think that they should get the champ for free to participate. Those rewards are pretty hefty, which I like, but it would shoot new players through the game way too fast with those shards and a chance at the rank rewards. Other than that, I really like the idea. Good work.
  • BronzeFallBronzeFall Member Posts: 60
    Definitely would be a challenge for players with nothing to do. I wouldn't mind trying it to also increase my skills
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    Huh. I like this idea. However, to make sure new players don't wait for this event just to rapidly advance in the game, I don't think that they should get the champ for free to participate. Those rewards are pretty hefty, which I like, but it would shoot new players through the game way too fast with those shards and a chance at the rank rewards. Other than that, I really like the idea. Good work.

    Yes. The rewards could "shoot new players through the game", provided that they actually participate. And participation isn't a given as players would rather complain first rather than play.

    Players already get a lot of freebies from alliance wars simply by participating and yet, there are threads complaining about AW for more than a year. (The only legitimate complaint of AW is that the match up, which is based on war rating, didn't work -- assuming the screen shot I saw wasn't doctored. All other complaints were just useless whining.)

    I don't participate in AW but I don't complain about it. I just don't want to spend the effort.

    Moreover, new players don't have a chance -- again, assuming they are willing to spend the effort -- to win anything in the standard arenas. They do not have the roster size nor do they have their heroes ranked up to score the points.

    The all-crying veterans do not want new players to win anything. That's why the vets complain about the bracket system so much since the very first day it was introduced.

    You can give every new player 50 4-stars as a gift today and they will still won't win as those 50 4-stars won't be scoring the points. They have to rank them up first and no matter how many cats and gold they get for free, the players above them will also get the same quantity of cats and gold.

    Long story short, new players are invisible.

    And for additional clarification, this event isn't to replace any existing event. It is an addition to the list, not a replacement.

    The benefits of the event are:

    1. It gives solo players a new avenue -- some might say only -- to earn upper tier class cats.
    2. It gives all players a new source of gold.
    3. It gives all players a new source of class cats.
    4. It is a one week (actually 6 days) event so players do not have to feel "rushed" to complete it and therefore it is more "casual-player" friendly.
    5. It is more skill-oriented than all other events and not a marathon.
    6. It is meant for everyone to participate regardless of start date, account power rating, or roster size.
    7. Unlike other events where you can have hundreds or even thousands of "gold medal winners", this event only has one gold medal winner. This mirrors real-life sporting event where you can only have one person winning a gold medal in an event.
    8. Even though you can have only one gold medal winner, the event does mirror primary school events where everybody "wins" and nobody's feelings get hurt. However, I added a little wrinkle in that the only players that win are those that win at least 5 fights. So just "showing up" isn't good enough. This is because, technically, the players are at least 13 years old and are no longer in primary school even though the player-base is still in kindergarten.
    9. In keeping with the theme of everyone can participate, the players do not have to worry about not having "god-tier" players to do well like they do in AW, AQ, arenas, and special events like the Coulson event. Everyone uses the same heroes. The only thing that separates the player-base is their mastery skill sets and their own particular set of skills.

  • Eos_Nano_XEos_Nano_X Member Posts: 304
    Level lock it to level 40 to allow only experianced players access.
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    Too easy. Why not have the boss as the collector? Or the main enemies on the map have a power gain buff?
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Huh. I like this idea. However, to make sure new players don't wait for this event just to rapidly advance in the game, I don't think that they should get the champ for free to participate. Those rewards are pretty hefty, which I like, but it would shoot new players through the game way too fast with those shards and a chance at the rank rewards. Other than that, I really like the idea. Good work.

    Yes. The rewards could "shoot new players through the game", provided that they actually participate. And participation isn't a given as players would rather complain first rather than play.

    Players already get a lot of freebies from alliance wars simply by participating and yet, there are threads complaining about AW for more than a year. (The only legitimate complaint of AW is that the match up, which is based on war rating, didn't work -- assuming the screen shot I saw wasn't doctored. All other complaints were just useless whining.)

    I don't participate in AW but I don't complain about it. I just don't want to spend the effort.

    Moreover, new players don't have a chance -- again, assuming they are willing to spend the effort -- to win anything in the standard arenas. They do not have the roster size nor do they have their heroes ranked up to score the points.

    The all-crying veterans do not want new players to win anything. That's why the vets complain about the bracket system so much since the very first day it was introduced.

    You can give every new player 50 4-stars as a gift today and they will still won't win as those 50 4-stars won't be scoring the points. They have to rank them up first and no matter how many cats and gold they get for free, the players above them will also get the same quantity of cats and gold.

    Long story short, new players are invisible.

    And for additional clarification, this event isn't to replace any existing event. It is an addition to the list, not a replacement.

    The benefits of the event are:

    1. It gives solo players a new avenue -- some might say only -- to earn upper tier class cats.
    2. It gives all players a new source of gold.
    3. It gives all players a new source of class cats.
    4. It is a one week (actually 6 days) event so players do not have to feel "rushed" to complete it and therefore it is more "casual-player" friendly.
    5. It is more skill-oriented than all other events and not a marathon.
    6. It is meant for everyone to participate regardless of start date, account power rating, or roster size.
    7. Unlike other events where you can have hundreds or even thousands of "gold medal winners", this event only has one gold medal winner. This mirrors real-life sporting event where you can only have one person winning a gold medal in an event.
    8. Even though you can have only one gold medal winner, the event does mirror primary school events where everybody "wins" and nobody's feelings get hurt. However, I added a little wrinkle in that the only players that win are those that win at least 5 fights. So just "showing up" isn't good enough. This is because, technically, the players are at least 13 years old and are no longer in primary school even though the player-base is still in kindergarten.
    9. In keeping with the theme of everyone can participate, the players do not have to worry about not having "god-tier" players to do well like they do in AW, AQ, arenas, and special events like the Coulson event. Everyone uses the same heroes. The only thing that separates the player-base is their mastery skill sets and their own particular set of skills.

    Actually, they can participate in arena. The new arenas that have come out have been developed with the sole purpose of helping out new players. I just don't think they should be able to have a shot at a 4 star every week. They already have insanely good login rewards to start.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Huh. I like this idea. However, to make sure new players don't wait for this event just to rapidly advance in the game, I don't think that they should get the champ for free to participate. Those rewards are pretty hefty, which I like, but it would shoot new players through the game way too fast with those shards and a chance at the rank rewards. Other than that, I really like the idea. Good work.

    Yes. The rewards could "shoot new players through the game", provided that they actually participate. And participation isn't a given as players would rather complain first rather than play.

    Players already get a lot of freebies from alliance wars simply by participating and yet, there are threads complaining about AW for more than a year. (The only legitimate complaint of AW is that the match up, which is based on war rating, didn't work -- assuming the screen shot I saw wasn't doctored. All other complaints were just useless whining.)

    I don't participate in AW but I don't complain about it. I just don't want to spend the effort.

    Moreover, new players don't have a chance -- again, assuming they are willing to spend the effort -- to win anything in the standard arenas. They do not have the roster size nor do they have their heroes ranked up to score the points.

    The all-crying veterans do not want new players to win anything. That's why the vets complain about the bracket system so much since the very first day it was introduced.

    You can give every new player 50 4-stars as a gift today and they will still won't win as those 50 4-stars won't be scoring the points. They have to rank them up first and no matter how many cats and gold they get for free, the players above them will also get the same quantity of cats and gold.

    Long story short, new players are invisible.

    And for additional clarification, this event isn't to replace any existing event. It is an addition to the list, not a replacement.

    The benefits of the event are:

    1. It gives solo players a new avenue -- some might say only -- to earn upper tier class cats.
    2. It gives all players a new source of gold.
    3. It gives all players a new source of class cats.
    4. It is a one week (actually 6 days) event so players do not have to feel "rushed" to complete it and therefore it is more "casual-player" friendly.
    5. It is more skill-oriented than all other events and not a marathon.
    6. It is meant for everyone to participate regardless of start date, account power rating, or roster size.
    7. Unlike other events where you can have hundreds or even thousands of "gold medal winners", this event only has one gold medal winner. This mirrors real-life sporting event where you can only have one person winning a gold medal in an event.
    8. Even though you can have only one gold medal winner, the event does mirror primary school events where everybody "wins" and nobody's feelings get hurt. However, I added a little wrinkle in that the only players that win are those that win at least 5 fights. So just "showing up" isn't good enough. This is because, technically, the players are at least 13 years old and are no longer in primary school even though the player-base is still in kindergarten.
    9. In keeping with the theme of everyone can participate, the players do not have to worry about not having "god-tier" players to do well like they do in AW, AQ, arenas, and special events like the Coulson event. Everyone uses the same heroes. The only thing that separates the player-base is their mastery skill sets and their own particular set of skills.

    Actually, they can participate in arena. The new arenas that have come out have been developed with the sole purpose of helping out new players. I just don't think they should be able to have a shot at a 4 star every week. They already have insanely good login rewards to start.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited June 2017
    I'll not argue about whether or not rewards/rules/whatever make sense, but I like it because, as you said, people will be separate only according to (their mastery skill sets and) their own particular set of skills.
    Mostly in this videogame the rewarded is according to how are they ranked on the pyramid, not according to skills or who's better.

    I only complain because I'll to lose kicked thanks a crash or champs stutters.
    Actually, they can participate in arena. The new arenas that have come out have been developed with the sole purpose of helping out new players. I just don't think they should be able to have a shot at a 4 star every week. They already have insanely good login rewards to start.
    If they have a 4* every week it was because they're really skilled because this design don't reward brute force or the one over a pyramid. If the skilled one is rewarded nobody would complain except jealous.
    And newbies will be in disadvantage because they always will have less and poor masteries, so fear is no necessary.

    Arenas in theory are for help people to build their rosters, reality people must already have built their roster for have a chance in Arenas.

    New Arenas are better than the olds Arenas (that's not automatically they're already good), except the Begginer, the Summoner Arena is worse than the old one. In the old one you got a whole 3* per Arena, in fact the Feature champ, and only using 2*. Now you just could get a half 3* crystal for a basic (and some phc shards and 2* crystals).
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    For clarification, only two people can actually win 4-stars "every week", assuming it is the same 2 people. The fastest that a non-medal winner can win 4-stars from the proposed weekly event alone is once every 5 weeks, assuming no duplicates.

    Eos_Nano_X wrote: »
    Level lock it to level 40 to allow only experianced players access.

    This defeats the purpose of allowing everyone to participate. This is not December 2014 anymore and veterans do NOT want the bracket system to be updated either.

    Veteran players already have all the 4-stars they need in order to keep playing non-stop. By "veteran", I mean actual players, not "players" would whine all day in the forums for more than 2 years and only have 1 4-star to show for it.
    DLegend wrote: »
    Too easy. Why not have the boss as the collector? Or the main enemies on the map have a power gain buff?

    So essentially, you want the event to mirror Act 4/5 (and beyond), monthly quests, special quests, AQ, and AW because ... we don't have enough those already.

  • ScorpionsKryptScorpionsKrypt Member Posts: 161
    Love the idea
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    I've made some small tweaks.


    1. Gold Medal -- 4-star featured hero, 4000 5-star shards, 4 million gold
    2. Silver Medal -- 4-star crystal, 2 million gold
    3. Bronze Medal -- 8 premium hero crystals, 1000 4-star shards, 1 million gold

    Participation Ribbon -- 400 4-star shards, 400k gold, 2000 tier 4 basic catalyst shards, 2000 tier 4 class catalyst shards of the same class as the featured hero

    To earn the participation ribbon, the player must win at least 5 fights. All qualified players including medal winners get the participation ribbon. There are only 3 medal winners, not thousands, to mimic sporting events.


    This weekly event starts on Mondays 1PM EST and ends on Sundays 1PM EST. This event is an addition to existing events, not a replacement for the arena or other events.

    The player uses the featured hero of the week to fight through a gauntlet of enemies, one at a time, that has a class advantage over the featured hero. The player fights against ALL class advantaged enemies and fights each enemy once. If the player loses a fight, he moves on to the next enemy. All enemies are duped 4-stars, rank 4/40 except for the last enemy. The last enemy is a duped 4-star rank 5/50. The signature level of all of the enemies are maxed.

    The player starts out with max health for each fight. The game will provide you with a 4-star rank 4/40 featured hero so that every player can participate. The signature level is set to zero, meaning your hero is not duped.

    The enemy uses the same mastery setup as the player. If the player has no skill points on parry utility (such as when he removed them for easier fights in this weekly event or the player is a low level player), then the enemy will default to maximum skill points for all utility skills.

    Each player gets one free try for the event each week. The player can pay 500 units to (a) reset his score to 0 points and (b) try again.

    For example, lets pretend the mutant Colossus is the featured hero. You will have to fight against a series of tech enemies, all the tech enemies in the game, using your non-duped Colossus. The game will provide you with a 4-star rank 4/40 Colossus to use. If there are 10 tech enemies, the player has 10 fights.

    This means that the number of fights needed in this weekly event can vary.


    1. One point for each point of health remaining after each fight.
    2. Length of fight, 50 points * (180 seconds - length of fight)
    3. Random Rule of the Week
    4. -10,000 points for losing a fight
    5. Add up the points of each fight.

    The players are ranked by points in descending order with the player with the most points winning the gold medal. If two or more players score the same amount of points, the player who scores the points first wins out.

    Random Rule of the Week.

    To keep things interesting, ONE of the "rule of the week" listed below is used in the scoring for that week.

    1. -2500 points each time the enemy is stunned with your parry block
    2. -200 points each time the enemy blocks your hits
    3. -200 points each time the enemy's light attack hits
    4. -500 points each time the enemy's medium attack hits

    This weekly event is more skill-based than your normal quest or ultramarathon-based arena. Everyone uses the same heroes. The only thing that separates the player-base is their mastery skill sets and their own particular set of skills. The better player you are, the more points you score as it is determined that better players would have more health after each fight and can finish fights faster.
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