There are three or four champs I'd love to use it on. Void, Omega Red, Corvus, even Iceman. Tell me why tho, please convince me of one to choose 

I’d do Omega if I were you. You have ST already
If you’re undecided, hold it until you have enough sig stones to max out omega or void. You might naturally awaken them anyway by then and save the generic.
Corvus is great awakened, but I’d say not worth a generic, but definitely a cosmic gem. His awakened ability just prevents him from dying if he has glave charges, but he already comes with his massive damage
Otherwise nick. I got a awakened rank 4 and he rocks.
1. do you have additional sig stones to dump into them?
2. what content do you still have yet to complete?
If you have a mass amount of sig stones, OR and void would benefit.
If you can only awaken, Fury, CG, Medusa would benefit the most.
personally i have all those champs, and the only one that isnt awakened is void.
I have OR, Fury, CG all at r5 and max sig level (for prestige)
medusa is at r4 for me.
If you run suicides and have a lot of signature stones, OR would be the best bang for your buck.
If you run suicides and no signature stones, CG will be the best value here. (I cant tell you how much i've saved on resources because CG can get away with a 20% level 1 revive and continue to push on in clearing content)
If no suicides, Nick fury is your man, 100% this dude is a bleed machine with insane utility. If the opponent can bleed, fury will win. He can easily 1-shot any of this month's uncollected EQ bosses or daily epic bosses for me. And the added bonus of all his amazing synergies.