|Masteries| What shall I unlock ?

Hello, summoners ! I've faced a kind of a problem in choosing masteries, and I need your advice.
I have 1.300 credits and am thinking about unlocking 'glass cannon', but I don't really believe that it may be helpful in my situation.
I'm going to fight with Maestro (4th chapter), and after it I have no idea what to unlock (for 5.1+ chapters).
My team is: Nick Fury(Duped)[4* ranked 4/5], Annihilus (4* ranked 3/5), Ice-man(Duped)[3* ranked 4/4], Deadpool(duped)[3* ranked 3/4] & Punisher 2099 [4* 1st rank].
I don't really believe that it might be possible to beat Maestro with my squad, but my main aim is to unlock some useful masteries.
I will be waiting for your opinion (on masteries to purchase).
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
Max parry
Hope that helps, once you start unlocking those get rid of the points in greater strength greater vitality and 2 away from dexterity