More levels but with rewards other than mastery points

B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
So we have been stuck at level 60 for quite some time now. Xp and xp boosts are not needed once you have reached maximum level. I think it would be a good idea to open up to maybe level 100. Rather than offering mastery points (I totally agree we shouldn’t get any more) I think we should get in game rewards for each level completed. There’s tons of ideas that would benefit all players so let’s throw out some examples.

Gold boosts
Bc boosts
Power boosts
Gold (lots of)
Bc’s (Lots of)
Awaken Gems
Sig stones
Higher inventory
Longer stash expiry

Come on Kabam there’s so much more stuff you can add when reaching another level.

Please consider this.


  • SpielernameSpielername Member Posts: 133
    I would rather have some more mastery points and i think alot of other players think the same
  • Shadow_roastShadow_roast Member Posts: 399
    I would rather have some more mastery points and i think alot of other players think the same

    They're not giving more mastery points unless they make more mastery things, so i agree with OP as we would get rewards without needing to wait bloody long time to make more mastery
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    At least energy boosts
    Yes gold boost
    Just a rank package of OP stated items would be great
    Shard rate increase
    Crystal drop rate increase
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    It's already shown they can add item rewards to levels, so there's not much reason they cannot add levels that only do that. They also do not wish to increase energy or Mastery points, but no reason they can't add in t2a frags, sig stones/crystals, and other consumable champ-improving items. But no boosts of any kind, please, unless it is a permanent account upgrade.
  • Drummer829Drummer829 Member Posts: 105
    The reason for no gold boosts is simple...kabam is greedy. They want you to grind quests and arena and possibly use units/money for it. Probably why we get a special gold event once a year
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 863 ★★★★
    I'd really like to know the reason on why player levels were capped at 60. Also why hasn't the idea of raising said cap been considered like the op said they don't need to add more mastery points or expand our inventory. I mean come on kabam it's beyond silly that players can reach their max level in just a few months especially since they have plans for the game to continue to grow years into the future
  • BlackhawkbillBlackhawkbill Member Posts: 117
    I brought this up in another thread and was given the pisspoor excuse of having more masteries will upset the "perfect balance of masteries" we currently have. As well as the fact that with each new level will come more energy...causing Kabam to have to re-evaluate quests and energy needed to really....that was the response.

    To me it ended up being just another example just how lazy this dev team is. Here's an idea....ummmmm raise the level cap to 70, gather up all those mindmelds on the dev team and brainstorm a few of possibly HUNDREDS of other items or perks to attach to those levels?!

    Then another 6 months down the road raise it to you all plenty of time to maybe figure out that mindboggling wnergy ordeal and then add in some more masteries as well as more energy?

    The saddest aspect of this topic is that an absolute **** ton of your player base has been asking for a level cap increase for close to a year if not more. From a business point of view it just makes sense to finally give in and give those players what they want. Which is in all reality just another small aspect of gamepkay and another avenue to help your top players to direct their attn to and break up the monotiny of the monthly quests, AQ and the same moneygrabbing AW's.....

    But by all means...please focus on the addition of 6*'s that maybe 5% of the playerbase is looking forward to...
  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    Come on Kabam can we have a response on this please. Even if you say no and close the thread. I would just like a response and I will take whatever it is.
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    they are going to close this thread and tell you there are no plans to add more lvls to the game, its been said by mike before. Beyond the obvious that no we should not receive any more mastery points i think most would agree there are plenty of rewards that could be had to increase the lvl cap
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Yeah how about instead of energy increase and mastery points which you guys dont want us to have and it makes sense why but why not add rewards such as big potions, big revives, energy refills,tier 4s etc, this would be sooo useful to everyone since hitting level 60 does not take that long.
  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    I don't really see any reason to cap levels The way they do. Why not just keep getting T4b? Or good? So many options here.
  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    Just as every 1 predicted... not a word from any dev/mod. I suppose something like this does not get them any money so why would they...
  • Spartacus29Spartacus29 Member Posts: 90
    Seeing as how every level requires more XP than the previous one if there was a cap up to 100 from 60 it would take forever to get there. There really is no reason whatsoever not to give out something like this:

    61-70: 1 t4b, 200k gold, 500 5* shards and 500 t2a shards
    71-80: 2 t4b, 300k gold, 1000 5* shards, 750 t2a shards
    81-90: 3 t4b, 3 t1a, 1,000 5* shards, 10 5* sig stones, 1000 t2a shards
    91-98: 3 t4b, 5 t1a, 1,500 5* shards, 10 5* sig stones, 1,500 t2a shards
    99: 5t4b, 10,000 5* shards, random 5* AG, 25 5* sig stones, 18,000 t2a shards
    100: Special title, 25,000 5* shards, Generic 5* AG, 25 generic 5* sig stones, 36,000 t2a shards, 5 mil gold,

    It would take an insane amount of units, time and boosts to get anywhere near the top anytime soon. Someone can probably do the math but my guess is it would take months for the first and then longer than that for the vast majority of people to get there. It would be a revenue boost for Kabam and a constant incentive for ALL players including the highest of high end players to not quit.

  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    I agree and a way of introducing the items we can’t currently get to rank up our 5*’s nice and slowly without any 1 taking advantage. Let’s be honest those items are going to be out of reach unless your a vet and ready for them so new players won’t have access to them because getting to level 60 is quite a lengthy process in itself.
  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    Although level 100 I want a 6* with a Generic awakening Gem haha
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    They did say they were going to be making t4cc/t4bc/t2a/5* shards more available. Adding more levels would be a super easy way to do that and would make the players very happy. So of course they won't do it.
  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    Haha that’s true.. they always seem to do the opposite of what the player base wants... *sigh*
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    They need to do something other than just add more stars to champs and make rank up materials more available. While that's fine it's not really energizing. The level cap has been stagnant for way to long. If they don't want to add more mastery points right now that is fine but still something for us to go after other than ranking champs. Speaking of masteries honestly they should be looking to add new ones of those as well.

    Really there are so many things the game could get as adds that would put some life and energy into it aside from the 6* that is coming . masteries/level cap increase/new content or challenges/bases/AW Refresh/AW with new nodes, all of these would be an awesome addition by themselves and welcomed by the community.

    Hopefully at least one or two of them come with the new changes incoming at some point. Just something to freshen it up and make the grind about something else/more than a shiny new champ. While fun/enticing that does become tedious after a while and makes people begin to feel like a dog chasing its tail.
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