Looking for new alliance

Solid player (750k) looking for an alliance that wants a loyal player.

I do not use line and am contactable for chat only occasionally during the day (I am a high school teacher). Would prefer an alliance that is casual but more dedicated than my current one.

Check me out in game (Valen Thornn) and see if I could be useful to your alliance. Hope to hear from you.


  • AbisAbis Member Posts: 12
    you need an ally with map 5? map 3 ? a little chill ? no stress ? aq focused ally ? aw ally ?

    if you are interested on a chill aq focused ally you can contact me in game at Abis5

    we are not using line, wars are optional,the only thing we care is to get aq ( maps 4 3 and 2 ) to 100%.
  • Saga_fpSaga_fp Member Posts: 81
    Hey Valen Thornn! If you still need an alliance, please check out our LevelUP [PULVL] Alliance. We run Map 2/3/4 in AQ (varies depending on if we do an AW) and do AW when we can. We are currently rebuilding, but our group is active and we have members, like yourself, who have a life to live outside this game.

    Check us out if you are interested. Our Leader is K.O!~2.

    Regardless of your decision, good luck in your search! :smile:
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    give us a look...

    We are a group of moderate players who work together to maximize rewards. Most of us are 5x5 burnouts who just enjoy playing without all the AQ/AW pressure.

    AW: 2 BG's in season, 1 BG off season. Traditionally we are G2, but last season slipped into G3. Hoping to bounce back.

    AQ: 544, 544, 444, 444, 433 for 80-90 mil weekly.

    400-500k SA weekly, small minimums just to help us weed out the deadwood, no donations.

    We use discord for group chat.

    Holler if this sounds good. We had a few key players retire, and looking to be 30 strong very soon.

    ground round#0363 in discord, Ground Round in line, Gound Round in game.
  • SupasixSupasix Member Posts: 80
    Ign supasix98 we are platinum 4 and run map6 we need 1 more solid guy.
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