First-time Suicide Build Advice

I’m currently in the process of planning out my first suicides setup, and would love some advice from others who run (or have run) suicides.
For reference, I’m primarily working on Elder’s Bane (5.2 and 5.3 left to go) and V3 exploration, and I run Map 6 for AQ (minimal to no AW).
My most frequently used champs are 4/55 Corvus (20), Namor (200), Sparky (0), Sentinel (0), and a 6* OR (0). My main motivation for running suicides is to bring out some more of my unduped OR’s potential (currently takes too long to finish a fight), as well as add more damage and extra regen for my CG and Namor.
I understand Sparky isn’t best suited for suicides, and Sentinel relies on sp2 spam, but I reckon I could definitely work around that with the extra damage output.
Running full suicides, my main questions would be:
- Should I max Willpower, or is 1/3 or 2/3 sufficient?
- Should I max Recovery, or is 1/3 or 2/3 sufficient?
- Is it worth investing in coagulate? Given that OR already takes reduced bleed damage and CG takes none, while Namor will heal from it
(if relevant - currently also running 1 point in DW and 2 in Assassin, rest of my masteries are pretty standard with all key bases covered)
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated, even if it’s advising me against the use of suicides! Apologies for the long post, many thanks in advance
For reference, I’m primarily working on Elder’s Bane (5.2 and 5.3 left to go) and V3 exploration, and I run Map 6 for AQ (minimal to no AW).
My most frequently used champs are 4/55 Corvus (20), Namor (200), Sparky (0), Sentinel (0), and a 6* OR (0). My main motivation for running suicides is to bring out some more of my unduped OR’s potential (currently takes too long to finish a fight), as well as add more damage and extra regen for my CG and Namor.
I understand Sparky isn’t best suited for suicides, and Sentinel relies on sp2 spam, but I reckon I could definitely work around that with the extra damage output.
Running full suicides, my main questions would be:
- Should I max Willpower, or is 1/3 or 2/3 sufficient?
- Should I max Recovery, or is 1/3 or 2/3 sufficient?
- Is it worth investing in coagulate? Given that OR already takes reduced bleed damage and CG takes none, while Namor will heal from it
(if relevant - currently also running 1 point in DW and 2 in Assassin, rest of my masteries are pretty standard with all key bases covered)
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated, even if it’s advising me against the use of suicides! Apologies for the long post, many thanks in advance
This is the set up I’ve been using for about 6 months. Best suicide set up in my opinion. No need for that many points in assassin.
Dyou find max coagulation helpful for non-bleed immune/resistant champs?