Another Counter to UC Dr. Doom

For those like me who have absolutely zero common counters to Uncollected Doom. (Blade with mystic/villain synergy, she-hulk, spider-gwen, electro, torch etc.) Dr. Voodoo (awakened) has been working well enough for me to finish exploring this month.
2 ways you can play the fight. Since you start the fight with your regen you'll have to completely avoid him for his first aura. Use your even combo sp2 while his aura is off and from that point you're basically playing magik. As long as you can avoid all contact with him each time you knock him down with sp2 you can permalock him and if your sig is high enough (not sure how much you need, mine is at 75) your buff will last long enough for you to get to your next sp2 in time even with the delay from having to wait for his aura to drop. Rinse and repeat, he eventually goes down.
The alternative is spamming odd combo sp2 instead. Since that places a debuff instead of a buff, you can continue attacking immediately after using specials. He'll still be able to use sp1s, but much less often with the reduced power gain, so overall you'll have to deal with the aura a lot less often (only when you dex his sp1), but if you can't consistently evade his sp1, probably not the best option.
Towards the end of the fight if you stacked up a good number of loas you can even throw a sp1 and back off and let the poison stacks finish him for a safer finish.
2 ways you can play the fight. Since you start the fight with your regen you'll have to completely avoid him for his first aura. Use your even combo sp2 while his aura is off and from that point you're basically playing magik. As long as you can avoid all contact with him each time you knock him down with sp2 you can permalock him and if your sig is high enough (not sure how much you need, mine is at 75) your buff will last long enough for you to get to your next sp2 in time even with the delay from having to wait for his aura to drop. Rinse and repeat, he eventually goes down.
The alternative is spamming odd combo sp2 instead. Since that places a debuff instead of a buff, you can continue attacking immediately after using specials. He'll still be able to use sp1s, but much less often with the reduced power gain, so overall you'll have to deal with the aura a lot less often (only when you dex his sp1), but if you can't consistently evade his sp1, probably not the best option.
Towards the end of the fight if you stacked up a good number of loas you can even throw a sp1 and back off and let the poison stacks finish him for a safer finish.