Please acknowledge this known Issue

The issue I am about to mention has been known by the player base for well over a year, and acknowledged by administrators who pledged to put out a fix... over a year ago.
It has still not been fixed, so it would pleasantly “surprise me” if I could get a response regarding this known issue.
It has been acknowledged that this mastery “is not working as intended.” And players were told that the development team would address the issue. A YEAR AGO.
Ignoring the issue is one thing, but telling your customers that you acknowledge a problem, agree to fix, and then go on to completely ignore it for over a year? ... That “bugs” me.
Inequity is a very expensive mastery costing 2,200 units when maxed out. Please refund the mastery, “reword” it to your advantage, or make us happy by pushing for a fix. Thank you.
It has still not been fixed, so it would pleasantly “surprise me” if I could get a response regarding this known issue.
It has been acknowledged that this mastery “is not working as intended.” And players were told that the development team would address the issue. A YEAR AGO.
Ignoring the issue is one thing, but telling your customers that you acknowledge a problem, agree to fix, and then go on to completely ignore it for over a year? ... That “bugs” me.
Inequity is a very expensive mastery costing 2,200 units when maxed out. Please refund the mastery, “reword” it to your advantage, or make us happy by pushing for a fix. Thank you.
The issue is that this mastery only decreases base attacks, and with how much this game has progressed... it is NOT uncommon to run into +500%attack nodes
Taking this into consideration would mean that this mastery is only decreasing incoming attack by “said” 2% if SIX debuffs are applied!!!!
If only one debuff is applied... There is only a mere reduction of nearly half of half of one percent of incoming damage. Pathetic
I would also like to add to this discussion that the true description of Inequity is “a lack of fairness, or justice.” Which is exactly what the game developers, and administrators included have given to the players by acknowledging this issue, agreeing to fix it, and then dropping it like a hot potato.
Anyone else agree?
Kabam Mike stating that the issue was acknowledged as a bug, A fix was created, and then cancelled with out an update nearly 2 years later.