Really not surprised.

I understand the rules of the forum, and try to abide by them the best I can. But you(Kabam) should really consider your player base. Especially those top ranked ones. One of the top players in the game voices his thoughts in a well thought out and educated article and you proceed to close the thread. Yes there is a thread to discuss the 6* coming, where anyone and everyone has the right to spew complaints and get swallowed up in the masses to be easily ignored.
This isn't some lvl 60 200K player, this a @ThebigBient a player who should be heard, who people can value, and believe when he says he's done it all. This isn't your classic Kabam hater or Kabam lover they know who they are.
While closing his thread is considered standard, you look worse for not even valuing his opinion. You simply silence those that speak out. Very poor look, you could have left it open and simply stated that while it's against forums policy, it is nice to have a conversation with top members in the game. One's that everyone can value and appreciate.
This isn't some lvl 60 200K player, this a @ThebigBient a player who should be heard, who people can value, and believe when he says he's done it all. This isn't your classic Kabam hater or Kabam lover they know who they are.
While closing his thread is considered standard, you look worse for not even valuing his opinion. You simply silence those that speak out. Very poor look, you could have left it open and simply stated that while it's against forums policy, it is nice to have a conversation with top members in the game. One's that everyone can value and appreciate.
This discussion has been closed.
You are saying that only the top 100 people in the game should be heard, that people can only 'VALUE' their opinion. Lol, so hundreds of thousands of other players should just shut up right ?
The mods are answering every question on that thread. Now if people are going to repeat the same thing over and over again, you can't expect them to respond to each and every single comment. Most of those questions have already been answered a lot of times.
I'm going to try to summarize all that again, just if someone missed anything.
1) T5B's WILL be available before 6*s, so we WILL have maxed out 5*s before they come out.
2) Other resources such as T4cc's and T2A's will also be made more available before the release of 6*s.
3) 4* and 5* shards will also become more available as we move forward.
4) Updates to glory store and AQ.
5) New grandmaster crystal with 3-5*s
They may not silence everyone in terms of speaking, but voices in a chat with 20 pages get lost and are easily overlooked/ignored.
To be fair I never said ONLY top 100 should be heard. I did say it was nice to see the top alliance members join the discussion. Many of whom won't jump in on the mass chat.
My OP had nothing to do with questions, they are doing the typical Kabam dodge and answer in the mass chat. The reality is they are again selling you something they claim appeases the top alliances request. Yet you see top players post threads that claim their alliances are against it.
This is the biggest news in the game and everyone has their 2 cents on it, so that thread is cluttered beyond belief. Allowing some side conversations to spill out should be expected and encouraged if it is constructive.
Dropping by to give some clarification on why the previous thread had been closed.
I can understand why there's a direct frustration towards that being closed and feeling as you all do about it, however, we keep things in the same thread for organization reasons and we value each opinion provided towards the topic. If there was a discussion for every varying opinion it would make it near impossible for our game team to find the feedback provided. Posts in the 6-Star thread that was provided in that discussion have not been ignored. We have been actively looking through and responding accordingly.
I can see why you wished to defend the post made, but know that it is just as valued as any other post. We only ask that things be kept together to make things easier for our Game Teams to comb through. Pages beyond pages of different discussions would make that near impossible.
With all that said, please also keep in mind that making a discussion to argue moderation is not allowable via our forum rules. If the original OP of the other post wishes to discuss the close out further they can contact one of us directly.