LF active member to help us reach map 5

We are an ally that can run 1 by of map 5 already but need active members that can run map 4 and 5, war can be optional as we currently only run 2 bgs at this time. We are looking for skilled fun players. We understand life comes first, but can still 100% all bgs. We currently run maps 4 3 and 2 every day AQ is active, for newer members to test their skill and see their participation. We use line app, or clan hq for external communication. Yes its mandatory. Let me know if your interested in helping us grow.
In-game: Reign668
Line id: reign668
Clanhq: Reign668
We are an ally that can run 1 by of map 5 already but need active members that can run map 4 and 5, war can be optional as we currently only run 2 bgs at this time. We are looking for skilled fun players. We understand life comes first, but can still 100% all bgs. We currently run maps 4 3 and 2 every day AQ is active, for newer members to test their skill and see their participation. We use line app, or clan hq for external communication. Yes its mandatory. Let me know if your interested in helping us grow.
In-game: Reign668
Line id: reign668
Clanhq: Reign668