Best rankup to beat variants and 6.2

I have a 5/65 Aegon already. Just pulled my 4th 6* so nothing great there. Just have to smash the collector a few more times for my act5 explore. What's my best bet to awaken and/or 5/65 to get Vaiants and 6.2 done?

2. Void - great for 6.2. Must have for V1. Gimped but useful in some matchups in V2 & V3. Needs to be woke.
3. Quake - not sure how good she in in all these areas as I don’t have a 5*, so I haven’t used her in any endgame content. But I imagine she does great.
Looks like you should focus on V3. Take up Ghost and bring along SL, Doc Ock and 5/50 4* Sentinel and some synergies for Ghost as needed and you could do V3 pretty easily.