Where to start at with suicide masteries?

TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
Wondering where I should start with suicide masteries.
Is it better to start with willpower, coagulate etc. or glass cannon, recoil, double edge etc.
I am aware that there are different variations, if anyone could share theirs that would be greatly appreciated


  • ahock101ahock101 Member Posts: 118
    I started with half suicides, 1 point in glass cannon, 1 point in recoil and then 3 points in double edge, I also had 2 points in will power, suice
  • _Reef_Reef Member Posts: 270
    I'm still new to suicides and i'm finally reaping the benefits. I have 3/3 glass cannon (7.2% for 7.2%), 1x recoil, 3x liquid courage (30% n -.06%) and 2/3 willpower (+.06 health) Top Champ Modok went from 7100 to 8909. Kingpin went from 6800 to 8650, I'm running thru content now, and just got a 4*Nick Fury w a deadpool synergy, he purifies the poison and give 10% health at beginning of fight, plus 10% attack. I cant' afford to do double edge or any bleed debuffs, I play in AW so it wouldn't work for me
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