How much harder is map 7 than map 6

Kevin110Kevin110 Member Posts: 69
How much harder is map 7 than map 6


  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Difficulty is relative. Some people clear with 15/15 items every day. Some almost item out a few times a week. Depends on yours and your alliances roster strength and ability
  • Kevin110Kevin110 Member Posts: 69
    We completed one bg map six first three days for months without difficulties in your opinion is the step up worth the rewards
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Kevin110 said:

    We completed one bg map six first three days for months without difficulties in your opinion is the step up worth the rewards

    Been a very long time since I've run map 6 so I honestly dont even know what the difficulty level would be at now. Map 7 requires more specific counters to nodes than what I remember from map 6 though. Need to counter nodes like pleasure to burn, acid wash, freezer burn, disstrack, do you bleed, etc...
  • Kevin110Kevin110 Member Posts: 69
  • MatiEspinozaMatiEspinoza Member Posts: 93
    It’s not a big step in the “difficulty” issue, it’s a map with very champs specific paths. You can’t always bring your trinity and clear everything
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Small increase in difficulty. Like others have said, it's more champ specific paths. Also, the timing is tighter for 7 than 6.

    We used to run 766x5. The donations were a grind, and the map 7 crystals were way overrated. That grind caused a lot of burnout, so we chose to stay with 666x5, increase our prestige, and be happy with some map 7 crystals each set.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    It depends, opponent strength isn’t too different, it’s the nodes and planning, if your bg has the optimal counters for each path’s nodes it’s fine, if not it’s a bit of a pain
  • Kevin110Kevin110 Member Posts: 69
    Thanks for all the information guys I will take it back to my alliance
  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    Map 6 involves way more movement and constant checking in. Map 7 doesnt need as much movement, but the fights are way more difficult
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