Marvelliance [MxRxV] is a 4 year old alliance, looking for active summoners from Singapore to join our fight. We have 5 slots open! If you are selected, you would be joining a fun, friendly and welcoming alliance!
Our Alliance info:
24.2 mill rating
AW Seasons - Platinum 4 War Rating 2412 TOP 15 Alliance in the region!)
AQ - 55554
Your requirements:
- Minimum 500k rating
- Whatsapp for communication
You can contact -.Fecker.- or NashaoDaSilva for more details.
Our Alliance info:
24.2 mill rating
AW Seasons - Platinum 4 War Rating 2412 TOP 15 Alliance in the region!)
AQ - 55554
Your requirements:
- Minimum 500k rating
- Whatsapp for communication
You can contact -.Fecker.- or NashaoDaSilva for more details.