Void + mr fantastic = insane damage
So i was lucky enough to pull a 5* mr fantastic yesterday and after looking through his abillities i noticed something interesting
His pre fight abillity allows him to place up to 3 unique debuffs on the opponent before the fight starts that last 12 seconds each and are refreshed every time an opponent is knocked down (so heavy or special attack) which is pretty cool right? However something special about this abillity is that after activating it, it doesnt have to be mr fantastic that enters the fight, any champions can enter the fight and taje advantage of the debuffs (intended feature not a bug)
Now void has a passive abillity on his sp3 where if there is 5 or more unique debuffs on the opponent he gains +250% attack damage on the sp3 however its hard to get an sp3 off while the enemy has 5 debuffs when using this void but with the use of mr fantadtics pre fight debuffs it should be made incredibly easy making void an even more insane champion if you use this strategy
His pre fight abillity allows him to place up to 3 unique debuffs on the opponent before the fight starts that last 12 seconds each and are refreshed every time an opponent is knocked down (so heavy or special attack) which is pretty cool right? However something special about this abillity is that after activating it, it doesnt have to be mr fantastic that enters the fight, any champions can enter the fight and taje advantage of the debuffs (intended feature not a bug)
Now void has a passive abillity on his sp3 where if there is 5 or more unique debuffs on the opponent he gains +250% attack damage on the sp3 however its hard to get an sp3 off while the enemy has 5 debuffs when using this void but with the use of mr fantadtics pre fight debuffs it should be made incredibly easy making void an even more insane champion if you use this strategy