Mystic Dispersion Question

Is mystic dispersion worth unlocking given my current top champs? I'm taking 3 points out of defense, but those are going towards maxing petrify, anywhere else I can take points to unlock it? & how many points should I put into MD?
Historically it was mostly for Mystic defenders and it was brutal, but that was more or less nerfed to the ground (and rightly so, IMO, it was complete BS if you didn't have Blade, or later, Gulk) but it can still be viable if you focus on offensive mystics who nullify/dispel a lot.
All that said, I'd say PROBABLY not in your case since you aren't flush with mystic champs to benefit from it.
- Dr Voodoo
- Scarlet Witch
- Dr Doom
- Magik (if you use her L1 or L3 rather than focusing on her power locking L2)
- Symbiote Supreme
- Hood
- Ghost Rider (Nailing his L1 when they have a few buffs can then get you into his L2 much quicker)
- Dr Strange (ideally with a high sig as otherwise you're relying on his L2 while his Power buff is active)
There are others - but these are probably the key ones.
Obviously there's an economic analysis to be done on the worthiness of it for your account but it would just come down to how often you're using your Mystics, and how often you're using them against buff-using opposition, AND how often you feel you're not gaining power quickly enough...