OML-bleed after pilfer

OML bleeds full (rather than the 95% reduction) if he is pilfered (node steals his regen) from the start of the fight. This is mainly test against Morningstar on Fantastic Invasion daily quest (far right path).
Things i noted:
1. The regen is pilfered from the start so you take full bleed when you hit her (understood this is how it should be).
2. When regen is able to stick, new bleed still does full damage.
3. I waited for active bleeds to fall off. With regen on. Full bleed still happened.
4. I waited for all bleeds to fall off to include my own passive bleed. Full bleed still happened.
Things i noted:
1. The regen is pilfered from the start so you take full bleed when you hit her (understood this is how it should be).
2. When regen is able to stick, new bleed still does full damage.
3. I waited for active bleeds to fall off. With regen on. Full bleed still happened.
4. I waited for all bleeds to fall off to include my own passive bleed. Full bleed still happened.