Sink Sig Stones into Darkhawk?

Deadpool87Deadpool87 Member Posts: 574 ★★★
I just duped my 5* Darkhawk. Once I get more Tier 1 Alpha catalysts I'll get him up to rank 2 at least, but my main question is will it be worth it to sink ALL of my 5* tech sig stones into him since he's right now that only one that benefits greatly from having a higher sig level than the other tech champions.


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Unless you have ghost throw the stones into him, ghost doesn’t need a super high sig to be great like dh, but if you have her you won’t use dh much, if you don’t have her go for it tho
  • Deadpool87Deadpool87 Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    Unless you have ghost throw the stones into him, ghost doesn’t need a super high sig to be great like dh, but if you have her you won’t use dh much, if you don’t have her go for it tho

    I have her, but she's not duped yet, and who knows when she will be.
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