November 8 issues and its aftermath - Is the community focusing on the wrong thing?

Now I know everyone is aware of the issues caused in November 8 - which were ranging from people not being able to complete their quests due to time loop issues to people not being to enlist their alliance for the next AW (which ruined the entire AW season).
However, before I begin my issues with the aftermath of these "events", I would like to commend Kabam. especially the moderators in these forums in keeping the player base updated consistently until the issues were rectified.
However, the solutions to these issues are a bit iffy. The short term solution was to shut-down the game and try to fix these bugs as soon as possible and restore the game. The time lost on these bugs and then its corresponding fixes would later be "compensated" to the players afterwards. However, this solution (especially after seeing the entire "compensation" packages) as its own set of issues -
1. Compensation packages will never be fair towards the whole community - There are different categories of players to cater towards and not all of them can treated fairly. For example - there are specific set of players who never moved up completing Act 5.2 and instead focused more on getting arenas and AW done (some of these people I know were in Gold 1 but dropped to Gold 2 after loosing the initial three wars of this shortened season). These people could have been Uncollected but their alliance demanded their best champions and resources towards AW and hence lost their potential resources which they could have earned back if the season would have been lasting the original length.
2. Disparity in compensation packages between people who just started Act 1 vs Those who completed Act 3 - I know Kabam have already said that they divided up the compensation packages to suit the progression level of the players, but the difference in difficulty between these two tiers vs the amount of rewards they get as "compensation" doesn't feel "fair" -
For Act 1 players -

For "Proven" players -

The difference between Proven and Act 1 players are - Additional 2500 5* shards, 5 Level 4 health potions, 500 glory and a couple more energy refills.
I am pretty sure that regardless of whatever the people in Act 1 do, they won't be able to get a full 4* crystal for the time the game was down with bugs. So, this seems unfair to the people who are proven as they get considerably "worse" value for compensation when compared to the other 3 tiers of players.
3. No compensation for the time lost in arenas - This one is pretty self explanatory, so we will move on.
But, the main issue I have with is that the community are more focused towards getting the compensation done and moving on. In fact, there are comments (some, not all of them) under MCOC YouTubers that claim that there should be more game outages so that they can get more "compensation". Compensation should be viewed as the average rewards that one could get while the game was down and shouldn't be viewed as a main way to get resources.
I would like to see changes which minimize the impact that such a game outage (if there is one) can have on the community. Here is a suggestion regarding that -
Making the forums more accessible - This is by far the biggest critique I had with this fiasco and communication in general. Many players don't have a forum account and aren't even aware that this site exists. It doesn't help that most of the important announcements regarding the game are made in the forums. The way you access forums in game is also pretty cumbersome, as one has to go the settings menu (which no one ever uses) and then click "Go To Forums" (which is also one of the smallest buttons to press and is in a smaller font than the others). My suggestion is place the Forum link in the main menu as it's own separate icon (one could probably place it near the units tab) -

Many of the players came to know about these issue because of MCOC YouTubers (particularly, Seatin). This doesn't bode well for the game team as they still called out for not "informing them about these issues" while the moderators slogged hard on the forums to clear out uncertainties regarding these issues.
I would like to see what's the response of the community regarding this. Personally, seeing people glorifying and wanting more game outages seems foolish.
However, before I begin my issues with the aftermath of these "events", I would like to commend Kabam. especially the moderators in these forums in keeping the player base updated consistently until the issues were rectified.
However, the solutions to these issues are a bit iffy. The short term solution was to shut-down the game and try to fix these bugs as soon as possible and restore the game. The time lost on these bugs and then its corresponding fixes would later be "compensated" to the players afterwards. However, this solution (especially after seeing the entire "compensation" packages) as its own set of issues -
1. Compensation packages will never be fair towards the whole community - There are different categories of players to cater towards and not all of them can treated fairly. For example - there are specific set of players who never moved up completing Act 5.2 and instead focused more on getting arenas and AW done (some of these people I know were in Gold 1 but dropped to Gold 2 after loosing the initial three wars of this shortened season). These people could have been Uncollected but their alliance demanded their best champions and resources towards AW and hence lost their potential resources which they could have earned back if the season would have been lasting the original length.
2. Disparity in compensation packages between people who just started Act 1 vs Those who completed Act 3 - I know Kabam have already said that they divided up the compensation packages to suit the progression level of the players, but the difference in difficulty between these two tiers vs the amount of rewards they get as "compensation" doesn't feel "fair" -
For Act 1 players -

For "Proven" players -

The difference between Proven and Act 1 players are - Additional 2500 5* shards, 5 Level 4 health potions, 500 glory and a couple more energy refills.
I am pretty sure that regardless of whatever the people in Act 1 do, they won't be able to get a full 4* crystal for the time the game was down with bugs. So, this seems unfair to the people who are proven as they get considerably "worse" value for compensation when compared to the other 3 tiers of players.
3. No compensation for the time lost in arenas - This one is pretty self explanatory, so we will move on.
But, the main issue I have with is that the community are more focused towards getting the compensation done and moving on. In fact, there are comments (some, not all of them) under MCOC YouTubers that claim that there should be more game outages so that they can get more "compensation". Compensation should be viewed as the average rewards that one could get while the game was down and shouldn't be viewed as a main way to get resources.
I would like to see changes which minimize the impact that such a game outage (if there is one) can have on the community. Here is a suggestion regarding that -
Making the forums more accessible - This is by far the biggest critique I had with this fiasco and communication in general. Many players don't have a forum account and aren't even aware that this site exists. It doesn't help that most of the important announcements regarding the game are made in the forums. The way you access forums in game is also pretty cumbersome, as one has to go the settings menu (which no one ever uses) and then click "Go To Forums" (which is also one of the smallest buttons to press and is in a smaller font than the others). My suggestion is place the Forum link in the main menu as it's own separate icon (one could probably place it near the units tab) -

Many of the players came to know about these issue because of MCOC YouTubers (particularly, Seatin). This doesn't bode well for the game team as they still called out for not "informing them about these issues" while the moderators slogged hard on the forums to clear out uncertainties regarding these issues.
I would like to see what's the response of the community regarding this. Personally, seeing people glorifying and wanting more game outages seems foolish.
Link -
This doesn't sound good...